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is this game still being worked on? Would love to see how it would turn out


Yes, big update coming, but a few bugs is postponing releasing it longer than expected.

Is there an expected timeframe? 1 month? 2 months? More or less?


I have broken every ETA so far, so hesitant to give something definitive, but should hopefully be within a month :)

(2 edits)

Found some bugs. One of which is quite serious.

-- Trees do not give wood. Ever. Didn't matter if I used my fist, sharp rock, stone axe, or iron axe. Stood there long enough for each tool to break, and got nothing. Damage sounds played and wooden debris effects could be seen (including blood for some reason), implying that they are supposed to give something, but they just refused.

-- The surface of the ocean is very jank. Even if the players head is poking out of it, you still loose air. I had do stop swimming completely and spam jump.

-- When loading your save, if you have more than one save, the pregnancy state and equipment from one save can show on another. Even if they should be something else.

-- Got pregnant from a werebear, the one closest to the starting town. However, when I gave birth, it came out as a troll baby. Even let me use it to make a troll summoner.

-- And lastly. I broke the game. Still not completely sure how. I was pregnant with a troll's child (an actual troll this time). Saved the game when it was almost time to give birth. Went to deliver the baby and accidentally shut down the game during the explicit birthing scene. Loaded back in and waited for the "it is time" message, but it never came. The pregnancy timer disappeared, but I was still pregnant. Sleeping did nothing. Running around for a literal hour did nothing. Getting pregnant with another troll once again led to the timer expiring and not giving birth. Got cumflated and waited for the belly to empty itself and saw a flat tummy for the first time in a long while, only to watch in horror as the pregnancy for the glitched and dead baby came right back anyway. It was a this point that I realized this save file was permanently corrupted, and child birth was no longer possible.


Excellent feedback, thank you! Hope to have at least some of these addressed in the next update. Especially useful info regarding the broken save, need to look in to fixing that from happening.

Found some more LOL!

-- Grit potions don't currently do anything when used. They also turn into rotten meat when they expire (also not sure why they expire at all).

-- Demon and Drake pregnancies also turn into troll babies.

-- Broke the pregnancy system again. This time all I did was save while pregnant (from a Wanderling Male), fall off a cliff, die, and reload the save.
Seems like the game just really doesn't like it if you load a save before giving birth.


Yeah the current pregnancy system doesnt save progress, only that you are pregnant, which is probably why it breaks. Have re-written it in next version to save progress as well.

Interesting with the potions turning into rotten meat :D

Found another big one. I swear I'm not breaking the game on purpose... mostly :P

-- Going into the dungeon full of demons and coming back out again reset the entire world. Meaning any and all changes the player did to it were removed. Like, say, building a 2-story house and filling it with stuff...... But possibly even more serious, all the waypoints and places of interest had to be discovered again, and all of them rewarded me with even more skill points and exp. A massive exploit just waiting to happen. heh

I have actually had this happen too and its not just the things you build but also all the items in the starter village disappear, all the craft benches etc.

(4 edits)

has this lovely game been updated recently? i'm making sure as i still have the character name not saving problem. So didnt know if there is a link for a patch or it just auto updates if there was one?

All in all awesome freaking game (demo), been zoom sprinting around and hacking, slashing, and fucking things in the way lmao

Not very recently, think its about 2 months since the last update. Working hard on the next one (UE5 migration as well as a large slew of things).

And thank you for the kind words! :)

can you please tell me how to correctly install this i tried two days ago and could not figure it out so could you please help me install this?

Do you get any errors?

All you need to do is to unzip the zip file, go into the folder WickedIsland/WindowsNoEditor and launch WickedIsland.exe

Hey I just have a request, loving the game so far and see massive potential in it! Could you please add male and female povs in the sex scenes with a rotatable camera (but not position, just rotation). I know it's a niche but I would personally and some others would love that feature I'm sure.

(1 edit)

Thank you!
Had requests for this earlier as well, will see what i can do :)

+1 for the female POV

when i had sex on a floor i got stuck in the floor and cant get out of it

ist doch nur Demo und wo bekomme ich die vollversion ?????

Have no ETA when full version will be released, but hopefully an EA release before years end. No promises though :)

Deleted 2 years ago

Werewolfs and animals give you meat that you can cook at a campfire. Once cooked (keep you eye on it becuase it can burn), place the food on your hotbar then selected with 1-6 and then left-click.

(1 edit)

here's a thought but why not have the cum inflation during the sex

If i add finishing animations it will definitely be during that :)


I can´t start the Game i have the Error:

LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] line:3227



and evertime it is different error when i start but in the same Line

I know a few others have had this error.
The only advise I can give is to update all drivers/OS, use 7zip to unpack, install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable and try to redownload the game. Seems to be an Unreal Engine error some experience and I don't know exactly why (when googling you can often find others with similar errors for other Unreal games).

If anything helps please report it back to let others know what works.

Go to https://

Download and extract dxvk-1.10.2.tar.gz

Copy all the files present from x64 folder and paste the files in this location


Do a clean installation of graphics driver   

Step 6) Delete the save game files (You will lose the game progress)

Step 7) Allow the game exe file to your antivirus program/Windows Security and Firewall

Step 8) Run the game on dedicated graphics card

Step 9) Verify the game files

Step 10) Run the game as an administrator

Step 11) Disable Steam Overlay, close all the overlay apps, Close all the overclocking application, perform Cleanboot

Step 12) Install Visual C++ Files  

Step 13) Update your Windows

Step 14) Disconnect multiple monitors, unplug all the USB devices, Logitech wheel, joystick, Razer Tartarus gamepad, vjoy, Turn off Razer Synapse (razor lighting effects) and MSI Dragon Center, corsair software, end nahimic services & lightingservice.exe in task manager, remove the undervolt

Step 15) Lower down graphics settings and disable V sync

Step 16) Uninstall and reinstall the game to the different drive (Try SSD first)

But Try this 1st (easier to apply)

Fix 1: Get the latest graphics driver updates

Update your graphics driver to the latest version. There are two ways to do that: use the Device Manager or manually download the latest driver from your GPU manufacturer’s website.

Use Device Manager to update your graphics driver

  1. Press the Windows and X keys.
  2. Select the Device Manager option.
  3. Expand the list of Display Adapters.
  4. Right-click on your graphics driver.
  5. Select Update Driver.

Manually download the latest graphics driver

If you’re using an NVIDIA GPU, download and install the latest drivers using the Express option.

If updating your drivers fails to solve the problem, completely uninstall them. Then restart your computer to automatically download the latest drivers or get them directly from Nvidia or AMD.

Fix 2: Use different graphics settings

  1. Navigate to Control Panel, and select System.
  2. Go to Advanced System Settings.
  3. Click on the Visual Effects tab.
  4. Then select Adjust for best performance.
  5. Go to Settings, and select System.
  6. Click on Display.
  7. Set desktop scaling (DPI) within windows to 100%.
  8. After that, disable raytracing in your game settings.

If you’re using an NVIDIA card, disable image sharpening. To do that, open the NVIDIA Control Panel, go to 3D Settings, and turn off image sharpening.

Fix 3: Repair your game

If you’re still getting Low Level Fatal errors, repair your game files.

On Origin, go to your game library, right-click on the game that triggered this error, and select Repair.

On Steam, go to your game library, right-click the problematic game, and then select Properties. Click the Local Files tab, and select Verify Integrity of Game Files.

If you’re using a different game client, go to its official support page for step-by-step instructions on how to repair your game files.

Not sure if reported before or not, but I noticed issue with character creation. After you create a character, not only your name resets to default, your character's body sliders also reset to (probably) defaults. Good luck on the game btw, so far I love it

Thanks for reporting! :) Only the breast size slider should be resetting if you are on the latest version, the rest should be fine. And the name like you mentioned also resets.

Update soon? :P


Probably a few weeks, cant say more specific. Depends on how easy some bugs are to fix :)



dunno if this is a known issue but when you enter the dungeon with all the demons and come back out if you built any structures they are gone when you emerge...lost alot of my stuff to this :(.


This is known but thank you for reporting it and sorry :(

eh no worries its an alpha this is why things are tested and reported otherwise how would you know its broken? hoping you find a fix for it soon!

this games fine just needs more content but the way the gtame is headed i have a good feeling about this

(1 edit)

What am I supposed to do!? I'm just running around in what appears to be a dev room. Comments are talking about crafting, grass, fun, etc. I'm not seeing any of that other than a dungeon with nothing but monsters in it.

Hey, if you spawn directly in a dungeon, it means that you dont play latest build

(1 edit)

Sounds like you are playing 0.1, latest build (the itch download) is 0.7.1, lots have happened since then :)

how do you trigger defeat sex? I just get killed

A bit unclear currently, will try to make a tutorial in the future.

The player has grit points (fist icon top left). 

You start out with 1 maximum point and get an additional max point every 6 levels. 

Enemies have a difficulty level (skulls icons above their heads), getting defeated by an enemy costs 1 grit point for each difficulty level. 

This means at level 1 you can't get defeated by more difficult enemies. Grit points regenerate over time or can be restored using Grit potions.

go into settings in options menu enable defeat sex .

is there a way to surrender to enemies and get sex scenes right away?


Not currently no. Possibly masturbating in front of them will have this effect in the future.

just wondering how update is going your work 


Thank you!

It's coming along. Porting everything to a new framework and to UE5 so lots of things needs to be re-done so will take a bit longer than a normal update. But hopefully will be worth the wait :)

(1 edit)

I had an issue where it crashes claming to be corrupt after downloading it twice with something on Line 3159 with something related with to some serial number not being written in the granede sound folder. If not properly exported that is as I managed to fix it by directly extracting the game the game folder.

I think this game is potentially to large download as a .zip as the built in windows zip decompiler can't handle some files path length apperently (used 7zip instead)

Yes, a zip file is not the optimal way of distributing it. Sadly that is what Itch supports. If you use the Itch client I think you get better downloading capabilities as it works a bit like steam and unpacks it for you.

I live in Germany I am not allowed to buy on Steam. because here I can buy it

Wicked Island is not available to buy anywhere. You can wish list it on steam but not buy it.

Carnal Instinct is a different game entirely by a different developer.

Needs some more sexy monsters Orcs, Minotaurs, Centuars, Horsemen Etc

Other monsters planned currently are Minotaur, wereboar, satyr, new/better demons, tentacle trap.

I would like to do centaurs but it's tricky in a lot of ways.

(1 edit)

imo i don't think the grit potion thing is a good thing,more annoying that anything if you are in-game for the lewd stuff,without using a gallery mode and still see the stuff in the game i mean.

Kinda reminds me of how skyrim se sexlab defeat can be annoying when you wanna see lewd stuff happens in a row but instead you die...

Oh BTW an option to have grass go off around the "scene" would be useful (like "the infected" when placing building pieces grass/vegetations at that location is gone)


With the ability to craft summons you more or less get a gallery system. You can even chose not to enable defeat at all. It just happened to be the first system for scenes i finished and therefor became more heavily empathised.

The goal is somewhat similair to Sexlab in skyrim, with a bunch of toggles to pick what kind of features you want.

Great suggestion to flatten/remove grass btw, will see what i can do! :)


Yeah i have to use "tg" command for skyrim when grass is in the way otherwise i have to use the "move scene option" which can be a bit clunky. superb game anyway! hope the clothing/armor clipping (+physic :P) will get fixed soon too.

For some reason, on 0.7.1, I can't change the skin color or hair type. It just doesn't do anything.

Try a fresh install. Could be old data interfering with the new stuff.

Deleted 2 years ago

Looks like that was it. I'll keep that in mind going forward. Thank you!


Guys, where is iron ore?

(5 edits)

Hope for mobile port (android)

*Note* i know it's ue engine, if it have button control for it like ARK in play store. Then i can play it. Nevermind bug. This is nothing as long as it have possible i will play regardless bug.

I know it's trouble but i just saw his game after furgeon (i forgot his new game name). author make it port between android and pc so... You should look at graphic.

Right now content is low but his game graphic can compare to this.

Am already play his game so I'm look forward for this game too. Very interesting~


Sadly porting for mobile will not be possible. The graphics would have to be redone completely for that. Developing on mobile influences every decision in a games development and i don't want to cut all the corners needed to make it work on mobile. Hopefully you can enjoy it on PC instead :)


There's absolutely 0 possibility a mobile device could handle the graphics being shown, especially by an indie person/group that's posting things on (no offense to the authors, only saying it's hard for small devs to engage in that kind of optimization)


Honestly I really enjoy the concept of this game and how it plays I can't wait to see more from it and I have already wishlisted it on Steam keep up the awesome work and I look forward to all the new content you add to it

Not gotten far or played much but i like what I've seen so far, however i did catch that theres some kind of respawn issue with a demon type enemy? well a potential fix would be tying repawns to day cycles. Such as fiber plants regrow every day, trees regrow/grow every week, hostile entities respawn every dawn kinda thing.

I'm also getting an Ark vibe from the harvesting systems I've seen, are there or will there be crop plots for growing the plants one would find useful?


The respawn of demons being overly short should be fixed in 0.7.1. You can see which version by looking in the main menu.

Good ideas for respawn times!

I hope to be able to implement farming as well as animal keeping in the future :)

Accidentally let my food zero out and now I can't seem to eat because my health is so low I keep getting the bandaged hand count down. Is there a way out of this loop?

nevermind I slept and that got my health up enough for me to eat


Something i should think about though, being unable to die from hunger. Might be a "feature".

Thanks for reporting :)


i tested this out last night and i have to say it's a pretty cool start.

one thing i want to say immediately is that character creation in terms of body control is probably the best i've ever encountered. i'm a fan of smaller, petite women with specific hip to chest ratio's and natural or even small breasts and the character i came out of the creator with was closer to my taste than i've been able to achieve in any AAA title with a character editor. your default body model and setting adjusters are just phenomenal compared to anything else. so kudos there.

as for the monster sex it's pretty good. there's only a few positions and no 'finishing' animation but it's great so far. i had to engage in the sex with summoned creatures because the defeat system doesn't seem to come into play until you're a much higher level, which honestly seems a bit weird. the creatures are only interested in lvl 40 characters, not lvl 5 characters lol? but hopefully i'll get to check that out later.

for the world or things to do, at this point it just seems like an empty world with random monsters scattered about in alarming proximity to the starting area with about the same outcome to be expected in any meeting. the world looks fairly nice though, the textures for temperate areas and desert look great, the lighting is nice.

i'm used to the crafting system in stuff like Conan Exiles so the UI is familiar enough though it seems like you have to click on things a few times instead of once to get what you're after. could be the shoddy controls i have from running windows in mac bootcamp. i crafted a few things and used the furnace some before i found that you'd given us pretty much everything needed in crates. one other thing i'll say is i never found a source for iron ore. i broke a ton of different looking rocks with different tiers of tools and maybe the spawn for ore has just eluded me or it's in the cave i didn't explore yet because it had 10 werebears lurking right at the entrance. summons don't seem to follow you so to get help in a fight at this point you have to summon them right in front of the enemy and then leave them there to wander around. i imagine that is intended to work differently down the road.

pregnancy and body distortion was great. like i said before with the body model that's the highlight of this game for me so far.

interested to see what further updates bring! it's a cool project.

Thank you for the deep and insightful feedback!

Makes me happy that you enjoy the customization options. It's always a hard balancing act between making it overly complex with useless options and giving the player creative freedom.

All of your points are well received and I hope to be able to address several of them in time.  If you have any further suggestions I'm always happy to hear them.

Awesome! My only 'wishful' suggestion is a frogman type monster. Something about amphibious slimey skin and that frog face ravaging a babe just tickles my fetishes but hey thats me. Could even have egg laying tied to that instead of the birth. Just food for thought. Also sex defeat could be built for non humanoid creatures like the boar/deer or a normal dog but I don't know how far you're trying to travel into straight bestiality. 

Would love to talk at some point later on about your character editor and animation system. I've been trying to create a smaller scaled but sandbox like outpost defense game with sex defeat systems in place for awhile but its been a dormant side project for some time.

Good suggestion! Will see what i can do :)

Just hit me up anytime with questions, either on email or on discord, love talking techy stuff :D

Deleted 2 years ago

the player camera is locked to character orientation. i'm more a fan of independent camera/player control myself (them being able to walk toward the camera). that being said you can hold shift to rotate the camera independently of the player. also toggling caps lock frees the camera entirely from the player. that lets you view your character from the front side or any angle.

as for the yellow light i can't say as i didn't have that experience. probably an issue with your graphics.


RawDarkness is the perfect example of what a person can do if they choose to. This one developer is creating a game that is in par with the best and is doing it at their own cost and time. What a wonderful place for those of us that have the chance to enjoy their creation before some huge gaming outfit grabs it and makes it only for profit. Thank you RawDarkness and I hope you are rewarded with the success you have earned.


Wow, thank you so much for the kind words! Very much motivates me to work even harder on my passion project and I hope to live up to everyone's expectations and make the best possible game for all of you :)

How do find right Microsoft visual c ++ runtime ? could give me link to it or tell how find it ?

I think this one should work

thank you

Update v0.7 is a really good update. I have encountered a few bugs though.

During random events sevral mobs will not spawn. The health bar appears and will say "Werewolf", but sometimes it will just say "Character" and the health will be either 100 or 0. One bare hand punch will drop Werewolf loot and give 300exp. One Halfling mob will also spawn like this at their camp.

Mobs that have 2 or more skulls will always drop two loot bags.

The demons in the dungeon respawn very quickly, you only get about 5-10 seconds before they respawn. After sex with the demons in the dungeon, there is a chance the player will respawn on the place holder roof with no way to get down. Jumping off will kill the player and lock the game.

The next one is about the paintings, no matter which one you make, it will always be the first troll one when placed.

When you have summoned one of the monsters and talk to them, the screen will fade to black at the same time as the "End conversation" button shows up. When you select "I'll be in control" the player and monster will just stand T-posed inside each other. I believe this is because the animations have not been completed yet, so not really a bug.

The button prompt pannel that appears during sex doesn't disapear once sex has ended.

I hope this helps.

this is excellent feedback! Thank you so much!

What roof did you get spawned at? In the dungeon?

The checkaboard one that sits above the dungeon map.

Alright, will see how I can prevent that, thank you! :)

would appreciate the ability to adjust jiggle in settings

Will see what can be done but physics settings are tricky, rarely a simple slider but a combination of values.

Might be doable though :)

i wish i could play this game im always getting an error message

try googling the messag

excelente jogo poderia ser compativo com controle exbox

super fun cant wait to see more


Is a male main character and female monsters also in the planning?


Not planned currently no as that would be almost an entirely new game in terms of design. It is a commonly requested feature though so its something im thinking a lot about.

lots of potential here , the warewolves keep giving me troll babies tho

Hopefully i will have fixed that (again, last fix didnt work out apparently) in the next version.

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