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(1 edit) (+1)

So far, it seems like a pretty solid Survival Porngame. Just 1 issue so far, nothing actually drops loot. idk if it's cause nothing has loot yet, hince why there's a box that gives you everything and barrel next to it that has the dicks in it.

Not sure if this is intended or not but your friendly nightmare will attack and kill every other friendly creature after you mate with it. 

Will you be able to play as a dude and/or as a futa?
Will there be female and/or futa versions of the creatures?
Do you plan on adding hunger and thirst into the game?


Also after mating with the Nightmare I noticed it said "Enter Player Name" and a skull over my head. Do you plan on adding a feature where we get to name our character and that being above our head? or was that just a random bug?


Just a fellow player here...

Lack of loot drops may be related to not installing . Link above.

Friendly creature attacking seems to be a bug. Still very, very early access.

No male players are planed, afaik.

The "Enter Player Name" entity is almost certainly the bug others have encountered.

Thanks for letting me know what was going on.

und woherr bekomme ich die vollversion herr?????

No ETA available, its done when its done :)

Game looks amazing, wish there were more games like this one and I can't wait to see where this game goes. Also added the game to my steam Wishlist

Thank you! :)

your welcome 

Deleted post

Sorry no, wont be a male player character.

need help every time i try to open the game it jut cuts to a black screen. im on windows 11

No errors? Hard to track down whats wrong then sadly. What hardware are you using?

That's why you don't upgrade to new windows when it releases.

Another bug that I found: the weather debuffs do not match with the weathers that I see on the screen. I nowhave, for instance, a crystal blue sunny sky, but a -10% armor snow debuff.


Might be that the debuffs stay after the weather change? There seems to be an issue with the debuffs visually not dissapearing.

I didn't feel any weaker indeed when I was shown the -10% armor debuff.

Along with the other things reported (both by me and by other users), I think that you should restructure your listings and decide well which tasks are to be conducted by which subroutines, so that alterations and modifications have fewer side effects.

(2 edits)

What is it that Isabell wants? I brought her several dicks already, one of them even with the werebear still attached to it (didn't end all too well, mind me saying it), but she just keeps telling me that I should return to her when I have some dicks for her.

The quest is broken in 0.8. Will fix it whenever i figure out how to :D


How do you even get the dicks? Whenever I kill a werewolf (or any other enemy), there's no loot to be collected. 

There is loot. Target the corpse and press E. The text that informs you that you can interact with items is in the color goldenrod or something similar. Not a particularly high contrast color.

have you applied the patch? Nothing drops loot in 0.8 without the patch, one of the bugs that was fixed.


Hey sorry to bother you but how do you apply the patch? 

(1 edit) (+1)

Bug report, V.8 Alpha 7.1

Ogre pregnancy does not appear to yield offspring. The entire process works as normal until after the PC stands after childbirth, wherein there is no infant to collect. Occasionally the belly of the PC remains inflated until another impregnation begins. I believe this is ogre specific, but it could be something more subtle.

Ogre's weapon swings miss the PC most of the time.

Wilding (men, maybe women) become spaggettified when they engage in combat and are untargetable. They can be struck with the PC's initial attack and when they walk away after a defeat session. The issue may be related to their backpack.

Grit potions do not appear to work.

Being in combat with 2 or more mobs negates the defeat mechanic, as the mobs not engaging in the defeat system will continue to attack the PC.

Floors in the buildings in the abandoned village prohibit the placement of any item. This makes placing crafted chests or other similar items only possible outdoors.

Grinding to lvl 18 in order to have 4 grit takes quite a long time. I'd suggest boosting XP gains until other content is in the game.

A 1 grit defeat-enabled mob (such as an imp) might help with the confusion related to the defeat system. 

Steel appears to be crafting in the smelter, it takes in iron bars and I believe charcoal, yet generates no output.

Lockpicks can break. This can make it impossible to open some locked chests. A craftable lockpick would be helpful.

Dyeing on top of the mountain, far from the spawn point, appears to unload the corpse of the PC, making recovering the corpses inventory impossible. 

Pregnancy duration feels too short, even at 3x. It would be nice if the duration could be increased significantly, perhaps to a day or more.


This is great stuff, thank you so much! Will look in to all of these :)

Bug: (V.08 Alpha 7)
Loading process after  continue never progresses, Task Manager shows no Disk Activity while loading, just CPU/GPU activity.

Same goes for manually loading saves, but new game has no issues.

Saves did come from previous version.

Saves are not compatible between versions since the game changed from Unreal 4 to Unreal 5.


(5 edits)

(build 0.8 alpha7)
1) how am I to level up? every mob is stronger than I myself, and I have no gear or weaps of any kind.

2) There is a table showing the text: "Materials for building", but I can't interact with it.

3) When I'm standing next to an object, I can't move forward, but I need to move in any other direction first.

4) There is this woman tagged "Survivor" having an enemy-symbol over her head. Am I supposed to combat her?

5) How do I disable the PrintScreen key?

6) Does masturbation give any other benefits than just a good time?

7) I did find a chest, but just like the table, I can't interact with it. Nor can I skin the deer and does that I killed.

8) It feels awkward to have her look into the camera all the time.

9) Can I disable the PrintScreen key somehow?


1. you can craft basic weapons on your character and more advanced weapons on the crafting bench in the house, or you can make a crafting bench yourself. Item progression is completely crafting based.

2.  Not sure why you cant seem to interact with anything, when the cursor is over an object you should be able to use E to interact. Never seen that not working before. What resolution are you playing on, could be some issue with interface scaling maybe?

3. Not sure i understand?

4. Are you sure its not Isabell? Not seen this happen before. Was it after you died?

5. You can remap the default screenshot key under input settings.

6. Not for no, plan for adding more stuff for it later.

7. see 2.

8. I see, might add a toggle in the future. Recently added the feature with look in to camera.

Thank you for the detailed feedback! :)

(2 edits)

I figured one and another out in the meantime.

Some things that I didn't notice before:

1+2+7. At the center of the screen there is a little tetragonal dot. When I put it on sme item, like the reource table or a freshly killed beast, then a yellow text appears at the bottom left of the screen, telling me that I can interact.

For your information, I'm playing on a 1920x1080 monitor, with a nvidia 2070 RTX card. I have the issue both in Fullscreen and in Fullscreen Windowed modes. I didn't find any option in the settings to rescale the resolution.

3. For instance, I walk up to the table just mentioned, and stand facing it, seeing the MC from behind. Then I turn the camera, and I press 'W' to start walking away (I should say "running"). Then she doesn't turn around to walk away from the camera, but stays put. I need to use 'A', 'S' or 'D' first.

When I am facing the table, and I push 'S', then she walks away from the table backward (as it ought to be ofc). So I suspect that the issue is in the design of the response to those keys.

4. There are two women. One is indeed Isabell, dressed in white. But next to the waystone there is a naked woman named "Survivor", with a 100/100 health bar and a skull symbol. And yeah, considering that I die so often, I think that I died recently before that. But at the moment, she is still there.

5. I did find that the PrintScreen key can be remapped. But can I detach that key altogether, instead of mapping it onto another one?

I'm asking because I'd like to have the screenshots move to my regular screenshot folder instead of the one dictated by the game.

Does interacting work when the crosshair is over the object? Because the design is like you described it, you need to point at the thing you want to interact with, at which point the text will update.

Ah so she doesn't move towards the camera direction when standing still? Its probably got to do with how i made the camera be free when not moving. Basically it checks if movement speed is above 0, if it is it starts moving in the camera direction, otherwise in keyboard direction. Will see if i can change that somehow.

Sounds like the survivor is a bugged out version of you that didnt get removed when you died. Maybe it was saved and loaded before the corpse disappeared. Will look in to it :)

I think you can use the normal Print Screen button for normal printscreen behaviour, it just wont save it do disk but to clipboard instead. Or if you use GeforceNow you can use that for screenshots.

 Great feedback, thank you! :)

(2 edits) (+1)

Hmmm... Scuse me in advance if you start finding me a nag. It's pretty much the only hobby that I can afford nowadays hehe.

1. When we kill a bear, its remains are extremely bouncy,

2. Every now and then, when we kill something, any of the following happens:
- it disintegrates before we have a chance to loot it,
- it stays standing there un-animated, but doesn't drop dead (even though it registers as such, and we can loot it),
- it, again, registers as dead and we can loot it, but it stays animated as being alive (this happened a single time with a boar).

3. I created a werebear and put it next to Isabell. It didn't respond to the "follow me" command, and after I had sex with it (with the animal having the initiative) and then stayed next to it, it attacked Isabell, hitting me in the process.

4. I attacked a weresomething in the gamefield who was over-leveled for me (not the one that I summoned). It initiated a  sex scene. Two peculiar things happened next on separate occasions:
- When I set the camera to free mode, it was extremely far away, and i had to make quite a journey to get back to the scene,
- the screen kept showing the "LMB = attack, RMB=block" message, but when I tried those randomly, the game bugged out, and eventually I had to reload the game.

5. A cosmetic suggestion yet: It would be nice, especially during the sex scenes, if the camera could go lower, like seeing the protagonist from the bottom, as we are looking up. This would have a tricky consequence that you may not want to overlook: when we move from the front to the back or vise versa, the camera needs to rotate 180 degrees at some point to prevent seeing her and the game field upside down.

6. When I teleport to another waystone (I have it when I move to the one at the village), then the camera is on the floor, so I see only grass. At that point, I can turn the camera, but I can't stand up or walk around.

Oh, and don't bother the extra Me; I appreciate the company xD

By the way, since I post this all on a public channel, I have a comment for aspiring players: If this game looks interesting to you, do give it a try. All those comments that I posted were from a single game session, so obviously I do enjoy the game all-heartedly. And despite the details that I report here, the game is playable very well, and it performs great, also on Linux!

any plans for male mc?


No, sorry


Running 0.8 with the patch applied
I deleted the old data in Local
So far i am unable to set things in the graphics menu
Like the frame limit i suddenly cannot scroll through the menu and the save button no longer works.
I cant turn off the compass.
Loading a save indeed completely wipes your character, inv and stats and spawns a survivor char killing the survivor totally locks you out



Hi, great game! I noticed when I save and load a game, items from the locked chest at the start and the chest with armors in the abandon village seem to duplicate its contents. Also an npc named "survivor" would appear at the location I last made a save, and if that npc is killed, my character would "die" and get stuck in place, but I would still able to open the hud and menus. Lastly, the runes would stop working after I loaded a saved game. I only tried out the 0.8 patch 1 version, and don't have any old saves.


Great feedback, thank you! :)

Will work on getting this fixed in the future.


hi! awesome game! jus wondering if there will be more non consensual scenes and oral coming up?

More scenes will be coming in the future, as well as more enemies :)

Is the latest version on your subscribestar?

Currently the version on itch is the latest version but generally releases go up on subscribstar earlier and the full sized island and additional content will be subscribestar only until its ready for steam.


None of the custom settings like sex on defeat is working

In which version and how do you mean? Defeat sex most definitely work in the latest build, but you need enough grit points.

Pregnancy and birth also works when i have tested it. If you had the old version before (0.7 or older) it could be that the settings from that is interfering with the new ones. Try deleting everything under %LocalAppData%\WickedIsland\Saved

(1 edit)

Hey! Loving this game so far. It has a lot of promise, and I can't wait to see where it goes. But I do have a few questions/requests. 

Firstly, is it possible to rotate the camera around your character when not in a sex scene? Because the character always rotates with the camera. I've scoured the key bindings and Help message, but haven't found anything on this. Am I just missing something, or can/will it be implemented in a future update? 

Secondly: retrieving your items when you die. Too many times I've returned to where I died but just can't find my items. Especially when it's in grass. Could you make it so they're easier to find, like make it stand out more? Or do they just not spawn every time, and I'm not fully understanding how the mechanic works? 

Thirdly: I know this is massive undertaking if you're not planning it, but in future updates are you going to have dialogue/NPCs react to if your character is naked or not? It's what I love most about these games, but I get it if that's not something you're planning. 

Fourth: I'm pretty sure this is just a bug. When swimming, oxygen always decreases even when my head is above water. 

Sorry for the big wall of text. I do appreciate what you've done so far, and looking forward to seeing what's next! 


Great feedback, thank you! :)

Most of these things have been addressed in the lates release (the 0.8 based ones).

Just make sure to also apply the patch as well as it fixes a few critical bugs.

Camera is free whenever character is standing still, your corpse will be your loot bag and oxygen has been removed when swimming.

Oops, that version must have been released the day after I downloaded it haha. Thanks a lot, sounds good! 

Defeat sex doesnt work, lots of text overlap, when interacting with the craft bench I wasn't able to exit, when interacting with building materials I couldn't move except for rolling

Which version and how does it not work? Defeat sex is working fine when i try it, provided you have enough grit points.

If you had an older version before there could be issues with old data interfering with the updated game, try deleting everything under %LocalAppData%\WickedIsland\Saved

Don't recognize the other issues either but if you have time i would love some more details so i can look in to it :)

(2 edits) (+1)

Just yesterday, I was wondering when a new update was going to be released...

Show-stopping bug in v0.8: past a certain amount of excess weight, the character no longer moves. She can do other things like jump or fight--but not walk.

The 'dive' feature doesn't seem to work...

The 'interact' icon and gauges are too far left so thes letter appear to be rendered "off screen".

I see you fixed the boob size glitch.


Well it is still in "a heavy dev state", alot of bugs are expected, but it is good that you report them. ;-)

To show you what I mean about the gauges and interaction prompt being too far left...

WTF! That iron lingot is gigantic, the size of the bed!

(2 edits)

The leather skirt doesn't cater to larger butt sizes (the steel loincloth does, though). ^^

The Iron Gloves clip whilst running or walking and wielding a weapon; I presume it's also due to the larger body size (I turned up the fatness to the max, you see).

I assume you're aware the "Undead" enemies just render as boxes? :)

During childbirth, I was able to pick up nearby loot.

Once the baby delivered, the main character is given the default boob size. I saved the game, reloaded it, and she got her custom boob size back.

(1 edit)

Once a few steps in, the cave [Whispering Cave, at that] is pitch black and the guiding light barely illuminates...


Lots of excellent feedback, thank you so much! Will look in to all of it! :)

Note that I have Lumen enabled (my computer seems to easily handle it).


hey so after finally getting on vacation, I decided to try this newest build. unfortunately I had run into some situations like still running around nude (not too bad of a con but armor would be nice), still fighting hand to hand-no weapons, cant find a forge, and my first battle loss glitch out. I heard the sounds of breeding but all i saw was the sky-none of the inputs worked to advance the scene or change the view.  It gliched so bad that I had to force shut down the game.

Im gonna give it another go fresh start today

Do you mean that it was confusing in how to make your way around in the beginning? The new player experience is not polished at all. But there is a chest with stuff in the house with torches. Behind it is a furnace and inside a workbench.

There should also be some stuff in the chests at the beach to get started.

If the bugs with combat happens again, feel free to give more details on what and how it happened.

I'm going to start fresh, once I do that I'll journal everything down I find.  My PC has had a slight malfunction reloading old saves so by wiping my rnpy files and redownloading the titles, I can get a clearer understanding.  I'll send you all I can when I can

That would be much appreciated! :)

(1 edit)

Hey I have the same problem as HornyBoi123

I haven't tried the method you told him to try yet, but I'll update this telling you how it went, also I'm using a laptop with 4 gigabytes of ram and 128 gigabytes of storage idk if that's enough ram for the game to run.

Edited: it didn't work for me 


Haven't tested the ram usage extensively but I have observed around 2.5gb of ram usage at peak usage.

Only 4gb of ram is probably on the lower side to get it to run. But GPU is usually the critical component.

Well I found this information in settings, Will it be enough? 

Device name LAPTOP 

Processor 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-1115G4 @ 3.00GHz   3.00 GHz

Installed RAM 4.00 GB (3.78 GB usable)

System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Pen and touch Pen support

Also I'm getting this error whenever I try to load into the world “Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost” no clue what it means but maybe you do?

In general integrated GPU's (like the one on  i3-1115G4) will often struggle but i think in this case the low amount of RAM will be the biggest issue since the GPU will share the RAM with the system.

From the error it looks like the GPU driver crash or something similar, probably due to not being able to handle the amount of data.

Have you tried playing any other Unreal based games successfully? I think it will be difficult in general unless they have 2d graphics or are optimized for mobile.

Yes, I have gotten an Unreal Engie game to run although it wasn't OpenWorld, I've got a unity game that is open world to run though.

Would it be possible to add the option to change the input settings of anything involving the Middle Mouse Button? 

I play on a laptop that doesn't have a middle mouse button, so it makes those parts of the game unplayable for me.

(1 edit)

How do i smelt Iron ore in the furnace? I've tried multiple things to get it to work and nothing did. 

If smelting doesn't work then how do I get the better armors and weapons?

(1 edit)

Iron ore and wood or coal should work. Don't believe it's bugged in 0.7 but long time since i tried it.

You need to turn it on as well.

There is a chest with a bunch of armors and materials in the house. Not the same as acquiring it yourself but in case it is bugged that could help for now.

I was really hopeful when I found this game, but I'm genuinely disappointed. The game is unplayable. You get an error every time you start it. Apparently the  “Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost” error is pretty common. The only problem is that it's meant to be because the game "isn't compatible with dual graphics cards". I don't have dual graphics cards.

My device isn't exactly the best, in fact it's not very good, but this error is related to the game, not my device. Idk how you would fix this, but it'd be helpful if you did.


Have you tried any of the below steps (from the FAQ on discord)?

These errors are due to Unreal Engine, not anything specific in the code of the game and seems to happen to several games using the engine on some PC configurations. Some have managed to solve it with below. If it doesnt work please get back with more details regarding system configuration and errors and i will do my best to find a solution.

I get errors preventing the game from launching (Line LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown]: or similar)
(Solution from Tomoushie) 1. Using 7zip for extraction 2. DirectX 11 and 12 installed (downloaded manually on internet) 3. Visual C++ 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017; 2019, 2022 installed (download on Microsoft website) 4. NVIDIA 516.94 and DirectX12 5. Game added in exception in Windows Defender AND added in ransomware protection exceptions in Windows Defender 6. Right click then "property" on the folder where the game was extracted, then uncheck "read only" in attributes at the bottom, and in "security" add all permissions to the folder. And finally, check the box "run as administrator"

(1 edit)

Done all that and still getting the "HUNG" error. Maybe try updating the game to Unreal 5? I've heard that can also fix it.

I have spent the last 6 months doing exactly that :)

It's not ready to be released quite yet but subscribestar subscribers have early access to it. It's based on 5.1 but sadly i can't say if it would solve your problem or not.

Hopefully it will, any eta on when it'll be publicly released?

Sadly no, a few critical bugs left but getting closer.

looks cool but cant seam to get it to download


any news when another update is gonna come out? just curious

No ETA, sorry. But its getting worked on. For anyone curious subscribestar gives access to an early version of it, but its buggy compared to 0.7.1 :)


aye lad, take your time, just was curious if a date is known, waiting excited

Deleted post

There is not currently but there might be in the future :)

Deleted post
Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you!

Not in the version that will launch on steam, as that would probably get banned. But most likely as a patch/dlc at some point.

Will be more consensual scenes coming in the future as well :)

is there a cheat code/ creative mode system in place? 

(1 edit) (+1)

There is a cheat menu (can be remapped under input settings) but nothing more than that currently.

How does one trigger ambush s*x when sleeping? i've had enemies standing right next to me when sleeping and nothing happens

It's a random event that can trigger if you sleep unprotected.


Do you ever plan to allow the player to play as a male?


Not something that is planned currently, no. Lots of people have asked for it so its not impossible in the far future.

This is good, when is next release?


No ETA's, sorry. I just end up breaking the ETA anyways so better of not giving one :)

But the subescribestar subscribers are testing the next version currently, its coming along pretty well.

heyy! do you know why it might be giving me errors when starting? character customization is fine but as soon as I enter the game it gives me "corrupt data found" and some material failed to load or smth like that, which crashes the game


There are some things you could try, copy pasting from the FAQ on discord;

Q: I get errors preventing the game from launching (Line LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown]: or similar)

A: (Solution from Tomoushie)

    1. Using 7zip for extraction

    2. DirectX 11 and 12 installed (downloaded manually on internet)

    3. Visual C++ 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017; 2019, 2022 installed (download on Microsoft website)

    4. NVIDIA 516.94 and DirectX12

    5. Game added in exception in Windows Defender AND added in ransomware protection exceptions in Windows Defender

    6. Right click then "property" on the folder where the game was extracted, then uncheck "read only" in attributes at the bottom, and in "security" add all permissions to the folder. And finally, check the box "run as administrator"

I tried but unfortunately it didn't work. Must be my hardware. Thank you anyways :)


Some other things you could try.
Update all drivers. Remove potential overclocking. Make sure you dont have "strange" software doing stuff on the system, optimizing stuff, some anti-virus software etc. Make sure OS is up to date. Check windows eventlog-system or application and see if it gives any errors/hints when the crashes occur.

Other than that i dont really know, sorry :(

my experience with whats there so far was nice, cant wait for future updates, and maybe some more character customization


game looks great, but i was wondering if there were any plans on adding a male protagonist?


There will not be a male protagonist any time soon, sorry. Have received lots of requests for this but its simply to big of a task to implement. Maybe a dlc/expansion at some point, maybe not.

at least you guys are finally thinking about it, before you guys said absolutely not on the male prog, so the change of heart is nice


oi oi, are you aware of the bug that shrinks the booba when you make them to big... 


Yes, this is a known issue, should only be affecting the size slider, the other boob sliders should be fine (as a workaround, hopefully fixed in next version).

I've created an account just to post here. Wanted to say that it is very promising. I love the content and I can't wait for future updates, keep up the good work !

Maybe those issues have been reported already but here is what I experienced:

- The sword swing sound that is very very loud, I must disable the sound to play.

- My character name change constantly for my PC name.

- Once my character seemed to stop being pregnant but it happened only once so it might be on my side.

What could be nice to implement(just weird ideas that I came across while playing):

- A backstory for the player (a priestess or something like that)

- A sanity/corruption framework for the character (because being in such close contact with creatures is not ...let's say, normal)

- New hairstyles maybe ? 

It's just my feedback but I really like it so far, it's very impressive !

(1 edit) (+1)

Yea, fair warning, pregnancy in v0.71 is very unstable :O
If you are currently pregnant, Do Not:
- Save your game and fail to give birth before loading any save (best to avoid saving altogether)
- Enter OR leave the Nailbiter dungeon
- Use the warping stones
Doing any of these things will get you permanently stuck in a state of being pregnant but with no ability to actually give birth.


Thank you! Hope to have a new update with more stable pregnancy system out soon.

Will look in to the sword swing sounds, havent noticed that before, thank you!

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