Wicked Island Alpha v0.51 patch

A small update to fix a few things, some somewhat critical.

Uploaded yesterday so check if you already have the latest version (check name of zip file).


  • Loot tables for all enemies changed somewhat
  • Damage of insects (wasps now deal a lot of damage but die very easily
  • Defeat points won't regenerate during scenes
  • Reduced amount of resources collected



  • Wood and babies falling through the world
  • Tiny lootbags made it difficult to loot anything
  • Spelling misstake on character creation
  • Prevented moving during new pickaxe/axe animations
  • Could dash without unlocking it
  • Player can no longer respawn pregnant
  • No more disco when dying with guiding light equipped
  • Eating breaks animation scenes
  • Weather sound should now be affected by volume sliders
  • Bears now die when killed (as in fall down)
  • Removed bears ability to summon green spheres when attacking (debug stuff)
  • Almost fixed quests.
  • Now instead of being unable to complete it, you don't have to, you get the reward regardless! More better fixed in future update...
  • Stones gave iron, they now don't give iron.


Stuff still broken

  • Pregnancy and birthing seems a bit hit and miss. Also belly often goes back to normal during birth animations
  • Wildlings refuse to undress during animations
  • Wildlings align this way and that during scenes (like previously mentioned, placeholder)
  • Hunger might be broken by something (starts going in the wrong direction sometimes)
  • Depth of field toggle broken + all the things mention in last change notes


Wicked Island Demo 6.5 GB
Version 6 Jul 10, 2022

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Dumb question, but how do you apply the patch? I can't tell if it's applied or not. I have it downloaded and put it in the game folder, is that correct?

This post is for an older version but the latest version (0.8) + the patch for it simply requires you to extract the patch in the same root directory as the game.

For example: C:\games\WickedIsland0.8 mean you should unzip to C:\games

(2 edits)

Problems here:

- What is that white text?

- I don't know if it's from zooming too far out and then getting a warning that I did so, but the 'x' doesn't respond so I can't exit the scene. The 'c' pans the camera and causes cumming... Just as well I saved before the fight because it looks like I'll have to reload... (I did and the time has moved forward to 9:36.)

- I can equip those swords--not that it serves any purpose, nor are their respective squares highlighted.

- I can open the inventory.

- The health is actually going up...

(8 edits)

OK, since the 'x' key is "broken" with that dragon (at least, only during that pose), I figured I'd fix the pregnant belly glitch by going to a werewolf and letting my char be defeated. That worked, and then came the moment for the explicit birth... Now, my character is stuck in the birthing position. You're also in 'masturbating' mode. You have to exit it and it's after going to talk to Isabel that it forced my char to stand again. No more pregnant belly...but now the menu to finish up/cum/show stats is always visible...

Edit: it turns out it's the explicit birthing that causes the invincibility (as well as the constant overlay for the sex interaction menu and the loss of control of the inventory--can be opened but you can't do anything there).

Edit: after sex with a Wilding, although you still have to open and close the inventory and exit 'masturbation' mode, at least the character is returned to normal walking and you don't have the sex interactions menu/overlay.

(1 edit)

I've broken the game even more:

I went back to the dragon after working the pregnancy glitch, allowed my char to be defeated, and after finishing up the sex scene, my char fell through the world. Having no way to stop it (also, it was dark and thundering, so I couldn't see anything), I reloaded the game. I went back to the dragon...only to find that my char is now invincible. In fact, in walking over to a scorpion, the dragon followed me and killed the scorpion instead. It dropped loot...but I couldn't pick it up. I went to attack a wasp, it dropped loot...but I couldn't pick it up either.

I had to exit the game to fix the invincibility and inventory issue.

(10 edits)

Once you've killed a werewolf or werebear, in some cases, their bodies rotate around a given point, as you move your character...

For the dick collector quest, I can just go and talk to Isabel, claim that I "picked up some dicks" and my char gains 1500 XP. Upon completing the quest, the dicks aren't removed from inventory.

During sex scenes, the key mapping reverts to "QWERTY-like" (despite having configured mine for AZERTY).

Errors in the sex stats: in my current save game, it states that my char was fucked 0 times in her pussy but 4 times in her ass, and she has been through 4 pregnancies... So, unless she can get pregnant via her butt... :)

My in-game time appears to be stuck at 6:18... Actually, the day/night
 cycle doesn't appear to work at all: if I travel towards the southwest, there's daylight; if I travel in the opposite direction, it progressively gets darker...

I discovered the Wilding camp and during the sex animations the characters aren't lined up properly and there's also the 'talk' interaction--but it doesn't work (unsurprisingly, I suppose--though it would be cool to ask if another would like to join for a threesome).