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Why is steam on and on here it’s

They are the same, its just a typo in the menu, sorry for the confusion.


would be W if I could run it, shit is so resource intensive I can’t run the damn thing even on low settings. I don’t even have a shitty PC or anything I’d say mines above average. It’s just the demand of the game is so ludicrously high you need a W rizz level PC to play it. Rip, thought I found a great game, it probably is to I just can’t play it. Shit will only run at 5 FPS once I leave the spawn area, needs to be optimized in order for me to be able to play it it.

Deleted 1 year ago

Im continously trying to optimize it, hopefully it gets better.
Out of curiosity, what hardware are you on? Its designed around a nvida 1060 (or equivilant gpu) as a minimum req.

I ran it on my steamdeck, medium settings, 30fps


the creator says this game is available on steam but if it realy is available then why cant i download it on steam 

(1 edit)

Demo is on steam you can find it on games home page 

when you say games home page do you mean steams store or what games home page or explain what i have to do to get it on steam

only option i have is to add it to my wish list

it’s a small button on the game main page

It was an issue on the steam page that the download button was tiny, should be easier to spot now.


is there group play with the monsters and the genitals dont even go inside the lady lol.. i hope there's group stuff and this has potential to be like Last Evil but open world

(1 edit)

Yeah, the game has real potencial. it is early anyways, so do not expect too much. BTW, got problem with sleeping in the world places. Can't get to have one, never. 

How can I go through the cave that is pitch black? cant place torches also. And Isabell's quest does not get completed.

(1 edit)

8.4 BUG

Still entering the dungeon, the buildings and map coordinates disappear after the magic tower. After the magic tower comes out, it triggers "Eternal Night",This is very serious! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

After entering the area, you must perform SL or map switching to see the weather changes. For example, you can only see snowy days after coming out of the magic tower.

Demon Dungeon combat will still drop underground, such as behind the throne. One corridor in the Demonic Dungeon even lost its wall!

Monsters are fighting among themselves indiscriminately, and night demons are flying around strangely.

Stamina recovery is too slow.

You can still press ALT to move while masturbating...

What a huge carrot! ! ! !

Still can't have sex with many monsters...

It seems that weapon attack still needs to be adjusted, and "slope combat" is a bit strange.

The second upgrade ability cannot be upgraded to level 2 and level 3 abilities at the end.


Merchant system, selling raw materials and recycled products

Magic medicine, stamina management now makes running the map very difficult

If the base construction design is too troublesome, you can choose to create a separate copy similar to a magic tower and build it as a refuge for the protagonist to avoid losing the base. Players can teleport back and resurrect here at any time, and collect NPC teammates. In this way the goddess also has her own role.

Better bows and arrows, farther fighting areas.

Don't disappear instantly after the enemy leaves the alert area.

Great writeup, thank you, helps me a lot!

how do i make black steel ingot

(1 edit) (+1)

The game looks promising, hopefully you can add more sequence not just like the monster instantly rapes you, maybe grapple you first then do the next move, and the  genital penetration can be improved. when giving birth the baby doesn't come out from the vagina directly.

(3 edits) (+1)(-1)

8.4.3 New version BUG and unfinished records:

1. You can still press ALT to act while "masturbating".

2. Some placed "furniture" will collapse and disappear or fall into the ground.

3. In some cases, it will directly enter eternal night.

4. Entering some "dungeons" or to sex,will result in losing all map coordinates and teleport points, and even losing one's own base construction.

5. Press Z to rest,When using "Map" and "Blueprint", the window may freeze completely if an error is made.

6. Sleep will cause the "pregnancy" state to disappear.But the status still exists

7. It still has a very bad ground penetration problem. It will fall into the sea on the map. If it is "raped" in the dungeon, it may fly out of the map and fall into the abyss and be unable to leave on the "floor".

8. If 7 occurs during combat, the player may never be able to get out of the "combat" state and cannot rest.

9. I found new villages, such as those in caves and orc villages, but some have air walls and falling into the void... Actually, there is no need to do so many civilizations.

10. Magic Tower and Demonic Dungeon are BUG-prone areas.

11. When using CHEAT mode, BUG will definitely appear.

12. You still need to be very precise to pick up branches on the ground...There are many stones that I don’t know if I can pick them up.

13. There is a problem with the display of enemy hatred and life.

14. There is a BUG in the night attack, and there is no enemy, resulting in a permanent combat state.

15. The SEX system of some monsters is destroyed

16. Some NPCs have fallen underground or disappeared, such as fishermen. (I haven’t found the goddess or merchant yet). In the same way, I was killed by underground Viking women and archers.

17. Many actions must be locked to damage the enemy... resulting in the inability to hit the enemy, such as hitting the floor with a spear.

Hope for future updates:

1.Clearly Hunger system

2. Planting system

3. Specific NPC heroes, they will not die and can move to the player's home to protect the base. They are the only ones that exist. , players can hire them or use them as studs. Just one hero for each monster species is enough, and some NPCs can help manage the planting.

4. It can carry portals (do you know the blue door in Diablo 2?) and carry repair items.

5. Defense systems such as walls and traps.

6. Female NPCs can even serve as monster ranches.

7. You can choose teammates in 3. Teammates will not die, can be upgraded, and can be reborn at the respawn point.

8. Magic items, such as running speed potion, overdue potion, flying potion, invisibility potion...

9. Non-CHEAT items to change the weather, such as totems?

Recent problems that I hope to fix immediately:

Bugs in Lost map markers, teleport points and my base buildings for some reason

Falling into the ground and into the void

Eternal night and fighting state

Lost Pregnancy and SEX

In addition, I found Many monsters are stuck underground, half-body or completely hidden underground, causing them to follow the player all the time. Although they will be "refreshed" to the ground, some enemies will still be stuck in the "battlefield determination" due to this. , such as demonic "dungeons" where enemies will stand above corridors or fall into abyss.

Enemies who attack at night are also stuck in the underground sea.

This is a great writeup, thank you for taking the time for this!

Several bugs will be fixed in the next version. Some such as enemies falling through the ground and such i havent found but i will try to make a system to prevent it regardless, i think it has to do with how quickly the world loads compared to the actors.


thank you, This is more obvious examples:

1. The new Devil's Cave is on the new island in the southeast. In the case of fighting Night Stalkers, Bugmen, or Demons on the stairs, these monsters may disappear from the stairs or scenery. Once I found that the disappeared night demon was actually on the roof directly above the hall. It even followed me to the stairway where the demon was, wandering on the ceiling. After coming out of this underground palace, I met Yong Ye.

2. In the wild, I had a "night attack". I looked around for enemies, but found a monster stuck under the floor with its head exposed. The location was approximately near the Viking village.

3. I accidentally jumped on the roof and discovered that I could get rid of the "eternal battle", so I used the stuck perspective method to discover that the goat-headed demon was actually moving underground.

4. In the dungeon, I tried to seduce monsters and women, but after the sex, both parties’ legs got stuck in the ground, and I couldn’t leave. It will even fall into the void and come to the roof... This situation also happens in the house you built.

5. SEX seems to be unable to happen to demons, night demons, dragons and ogres. I don’t know if it’s a BUG or a new system. So I can't test the bugs caused by SEX in every environment.

6. Meteor Dash will occasionally fall into the ground due to obstacles encountered on the way, especially in specific locations.

Great feedback, thank you! Hopefully a few of these should be fixed in the update just released today :)

The small island out by it self, there's a portal out there?

What's night demon's,my game doesn't go to night

Can we go into the portal,is there new monsters?

(2 edits)

this game is amazing 

when is this game coming to steam?

will steam have full game or will  it just be a demo?  when it comes to  steam?

First the demo will come to steam. Later the full version will be released on steam as well.

Hi, I have a problem when starting the game (the start screen is half black, when starting the game it just hangs and I have to restart the computer). Is there a way to solve this problem? Do I need to download any libraries to improve the graphics?

What hardware are you running it on?

Windows 11 through a virtual machine, ran other similar games, everything was fine

Strange, other unreal engine 5 games? Are you using PCI passthrough? Because a vm could struggle a bit without a dedicated gpu. But should start at any rate.

I'm an idiot, I forgot to update and install the drivers. I updated some of the problems and now some problems have disappeared, I hope after installing the remaining ones everything will work

Heyo, quick question: Is there anal content or is it planned?


There are some animations for it already in the game. More will be added in the future :)


For the first quest I can't get the completion bar to go up for the werewolf sex quest, I have had sex with them through masturbation and being downed. 

Does anyone know what to do?

I have the same problem, did you figure out how to fix it by any chance?

Hey, when my character gives birth, the baby is on the ground in animation. Fades to black exiting cutscene, and then the baby is gone? Not in inventory or anywhere on the ground that I can find.

hi dev can you help me understand why my character dies instead of the sex scenes. i have the defeat sex on but just die after health goes to 0

Developer, please, can you explain to me in detail how to get the cubs of certain creatures, how to create a dragon, I searched the Internet, I can't find

There are only wolf cubs for now, there is one just outside of the village that can be talked to that will follow you.
Dragons are only available in the full version of the game. They are still fairly basic but the one in there has a quest and the reward is being able to fly on the back of the dragon.

I didn't quite understand which cubs? when a character is defeated, he becomes pregnant, then at one point the stomach disappears, the birth animation does not occur, and the cub does not fall out to me, how to fix it? maybe you need to press some kind of button to give birth

After pregnancy you get an item that can be used in the research table to craft a summon, which is an adult creature. There are no cubs for monsters that run around, only the baby items that can be turned into summons.
Did you enable explicit birth in options? If not there will be no animation, just a fade to black and you should get the baby added to inventory or dropped on the ground.
There might be some issues in the demo build that is fixed in the latest full version, i don't really keep track of what bugs are present in the demo currently. I will update the demo version soon as well, once the current version has stabilized somewhat.

and yes, how to get a dark iron ingot and dragonscales

Looks very interesting, even it’s still in an early stage of developement. One question though: Where do I get branches? xD I can’t seem to find any, except for the few that can be found in crates and barrels at the start, not even in the forest.

Branches are on the ground beneath trees generally. They can be a bit hard to see before you know how they look.
In the full version branches can also be crafted from wood, but the demo version is not updated with that feature as of yet.

Hi, is there any plan to release the game on Mac?

No sorry, developing for mac is really fiddly and would require a lot of reworking the game.


A suggestion without fetishes and optimization:Buffs and debuffs should be computed in terms of percentage instead of number,which can ensure that they won’t be useless when the level of the MC is too high.For example,pregnancy could decrease the speed and accelerate the recovery by the percentage of () instead of just numbers.


Good feedback, will look in to that! :)

in my game is stopped time at 0.00 and i have night in all time how fix it?

Its a bug in the current version of the demo. You can change time in the cheat settings manually but im afraid there is no way to fix time not progressing automatically (it will be fixed in upcoming version)

Does the game support Chinese

Sorry but no it does not.


can u only play as female or male too?


Only female

How do I even Finish Isabell first quest? bc if I have defeated sex it doesnt count and if I have regular  way  it also doesnt count.

same werewolf quest isn't showing completion

From what I heard is because we are using saves to load back into the game which breaks the quest. So if my theory is correct I can complete it by reinstalling the game (cleaning out the cashe) and doing the quest as soon as I enter the world and then saving.

you can do both from a new game in sted of reinstalling the game but the quest dont help the game or unlock any thing


Amazing game. I'm very impressed. Some bugs I've come across, or I don't know what I'm doing, is the tent you can build at the beginning can't be placed. Nothing shows up. She just stands holding the blue print. Also, when my lady gets pregnant, her body reverts to default shape. Even after giving birth, until I reload. Other than that, so far, so good.

I also noticed that the 'Save Preset' in the character creation menu only saves a few of the settings. I think hairstyle, color, and a few of the face presets.

The issue it with loading the preset back. There is some issue with loading multiple morphs at the same time in the latest engine version 5.3.1.

You can load the entire preset, you just need to spam the load button, 1 morph will be loaded per button press. Sorry about this but cant really find any workaround for now. 

Hoping the engine sorts this out in an upcoming update.


Oh, I didn't try that. Cool. I'm loving the game by the way. It's extremely impressive. 

Is everything supposed to be pitch black from the word go , im pretty sure i'm on a beach and yet is darker than in a rats ass.

Sounds like a graphical issue, should not be black. Try updating graphic drivers, windows etc.

Hi, in the previous version the game was going super well and very smooth, but now with the new update the game is damn slow and with very bad optimization, does anyone know why?. Even with the lower graphics it does not make any changes, I know that my PC is not because I do not think that with 6GB of graphics, 16GB of RAM and a 5th generation the game will not run.

I've had several reports regarding this and will investigate, might be the new water system, or something else. Hopefully i can mitigate it in the future.

thanks for taking the time to reply bro, I hope it can be fixed in the future, very nice game you are making here.

I would like to know how to obtain some props from the demonstration version in the full version.

Which ones specifically?

All items can be crafted (except for earrings which should be a quest reward from Isabell), but the full version is meant to be the full experience where you need to progress to get the different items. No cheats for items available currently (console commands are in the making though).


A few things I've seen so far:

  Sloped endwalls cannot be placed on top of other walls, even walls with ceilings. Rotating the thatched roof slopes (or anything else) doesn't seem to work, either.

  The pet dog cannot climb upon floors, even ones were the floor is close to the ground. I suspect that wolves and other hostiles have the same issue.

  The codex doesn't seem to be accessible. 

  Sex stats doesn't seem to be accessible. The keybind doesn't seem to work for it.

  Exploration exp seems to be broken, with locations previously known granting newly discovered exp. This seems to be infinitely spamable, although to be fair I've only seen the message pop up repeatedly. I don't know if it's actually granting exp.

  I rebind my movement keys to WERD (with S/F for up/down) as opposed to WASD. This is fine until I attempt to move the camera in a sex scene. It appears that there is a hard coded WASD routine that works alongside my WERD setup, yielding some odd camera movement.

  Chopping trees and mining rocks can sometimes yield blood being splashed on the ground and on the PC. No damage to the player is indicated, however.

  The rotate option during character creation is too sensitive. Any usage of shift-scroll can yield to a rapidly spinning character model.

  There are npcs at camp bear. Masturbating leads to whoopie which can lead to pregnancy. The pregnancy is instantly completed and the "birth" yields no offspring.

  The green characters that look like orcs and are labeled "character" can't impregnate the player character.

  Doing the nasty in the dungeon teleports you to a largish blue platform with a rock/gravel tiled floor with one short wall segment upon it. Jumping off leads to a short fall, then a undead death and a locked/crashed game.

  Lactation starts too early, imho. Perhaps delay it for the final 33% or 25% of the pregnancy. That way the milk begins somewhat closer to how it does in reality, and delaying it also makes the initiation of lactation a more memberable event and a signal that birth is about to happen.

  The mage's quest for having sex with 5 werewolves never seems to count any sex act. Tried defeat and crafted companion sex, doesn't work. I also tried masturbate which wasn't counted either. Speaking of masturbate...

  Masturbate is OP as f****. Start on the beach as a nekid lvl 1 character. Run past the mine and go up the mountain into the hard zones. Any humanoid hostile encountered can be charmed for a bit by... masturbating. Mr. 4 grit gorebelly doesn't care about your character only having 1 grit; he's getting some. The hyper difficult 5-grit drake guys? Run up to them and get rubbin'. Do that often enough and you'll have a drake pregnancy. And never any damage taken. Even if your late with the wank and you get hit and downed... pressing the masturbate key stops the hostile finishing the PC off in favor of getting some luvin'. Pure cheese.


This is some excellent feedback, thank you so much! :)


Couple animation bugs I noticed so far with drakes and wilds  also the quest seems to be bugged for me. 


Which quest and which wilds anims are bugged?

Thanks for taking the time to give feedback :)


So far for the 0.83 demo  I noticed the ocean is a bit wonky.  all Wildling animations are broken, Drake animations are too the nightmare animation is fine IF you're not in the dungeon If you're in the dungeon you  get sent above the map and the stuck prompt wont fix it, the main quest (Have sex with a werewolf 5 times ) tends to break if you reload a save and if you load a pre update save you kinda go into the void as well maybe implementing  a second stuck teleport that has a dedicated location? or replacing the current one with the dedicated location? (Not as a permanent fix but a sort of fallback incase of other bugs)  More minor bugs are character's arms turning black during creation and some stuttering/lag while close to the water which can probably be attributed to my own settings. Im not too sure if its different in the full I'll have to grab it sometime this week. Hopefully Im not coming off rude, Just sharing all i found so far.


This is really valuable, thank you so much! :)

For some reason when I try to unzip the files it shows an error

Might be an issue with the download, or disk being full?

My disk is no where close to being full, and i tried the download multiple times

(1 edit)

Is it possible for you to put the game on Mega or Google Drive? When I usually download games from itch it is always capped at 300kb/s

Sounds like its your connection and not itch. 

I'm getting on average 36MB/sec through itch.


When I download through google drive, I can download almost anything instantly. 1 mb/s for Mega and 55mb/s for steam so I don't know why is the only site that behave this way

If you want, I can upload it to a google drive, email me at so i can send the link because ill forgot to reply to this


No need anymore, I somehow fixed my router by beating it.  Peak engineering

i played a few hours now and have seen most thing from the free version.

its quite nice but need some changes. for example the grit system is useless caus you will never loose to an enemy when you got your first spear xD so OP and you collect things faster to summon ur own slave then you will level up. (maybe not the dragon enemy) but for the rest. i did got big clipping with leather armor that i decided to better put them of. bronce armor was ok (the rest armor i didnt use)

quest log can be a bit more precicly (it didnt say how many)

im not sure if the building system is required. didnt use it that much. my suggestion would be let NPC do all the stuff for you and you just collect. or even let them collect like a escort quest that you send them out and protect them  and then few monster will spawn for them.

and make events that at night they can spawn and you wake up and get less rest bonus i imagine it like a city defensce game so you will maybe get the defeat sex otherwise like i mention you never die.^^

overall its good but very early i think.

Great feedback, thank you! :)
Will see about balancing combat more in coming versions.


Will you add more birthing scenes and a breastfeeding system(feeding the babies when they are hungry and after several days they grow up into a follower,just like hatching eggs irl)as an alternative  method to make your own army?


I might make longer birthing scenes at some point. Probably wont have followers growing up though as its technically difficult with the current setup.

Thank you for the feedback!

I added your content to my subscribe star, however, a lot of the content advertised I can't find a way to access, the portal doesn't work and every time I load a save all quest progress is lost. I'm not sure why the island is so much smaller or there is no fortress maybe my download of the game was corrupted.


The updated version on subscribestar currently is just the demo map as that is the one im working on when testing things. The full map will be updated once the new things are more or less bug free.

The demo version has less content than the full version of the game, but subscribers will get an updated full version as well when the demo version gets released publicly.

Need to look in to the quest progress being lost, it should not be. Thanks for reporting it! :)

Deleted post

No, sorry. No such plans currently.

For the life of me I cannot figure out how to get Black Steel. I have wood, deep iron ore, and steel ingots in the furnace but it does nothing but burn up the wood. What am I doing wrong?

It might be a bug in the current version, im working on the next update which will soon be ready for public distribution.

I saw on steam store pics of riding dragon and a horse in another pic are we way behind here ...this site 

Those are features not available unless you are a subscriber on subscribestar. 

They wont be available in the demo, sorry.

I do not understand how the grit system works, I have enabled sex defeat and I fight them until they are almost dead and then let them "deafeat me" but they just kill me :'D

You need an equal amount of grit points as the enemy has difficulty points (grit points = fist icon top left, difficulty points = skulls above enemies).


but how to increase the grit points? and a minor tip in your log/tutorial you say you need to sleep but dont say how to sleep. just mention the key binding letter there too. :P

Uh so idk what is goin on here, but the sex defeat is on but dont work.  I set settings before starting a new game so idk maybe that made it not work

It requires the correct amount of grit points. The tutorial should trigger when close to enemies and update the journal with all the details.

Basically your grit points need to match the difficulty of the enemy for a scene to occur. Grit points regenerate up to a maximum. Maximum increase with character level.

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