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When fighting the flying insects near the spawn point, they will grow incredibly large when they attack.

Hadn't noticed that, great feedback! Thanks for reporting it :)


I found there is some kind of smoke coming out of the character's feet instead of a shadow the left hand keeps raising up like it was trying keep out the sun after killing something

Thank you for reporting it! It's a strange issue I haven't been able to hunt down yet.

(1 edit)

Same here (running v0.3.1 admittedly).

I've not played it yet, but the changelog says pregnancy is persistent? So you don't give birth, or it gives some side effects that will last after giving birth?


Sorry, it's a bit missleading. It's the setting for turning it on that is supposed to be persistent. Funnily enough there was a new bug making the setting non persistent anyway. But no, pregnancy has a cycle where the belly/breasts grow until the cycle is complete. Will likely add birth in the future as well (optional, as most things in the game)

Couldn't put down the campfire anywhere, had to  resort to eating raw meat, which is fine but then started losing health presumably due  to thirst which I can't even see nor can even find water to drink.

Putting down campfire should be fixed in 0.3. Thirst is completely disabled and should not affect anything anymore.

Not sure if its been reported yet, but im having issues harvesting trees? I've crafted the sharp stone to give me the option to harvest them but I believe the wood drops are either not spawning or falling through the map before im able to pick up or interact with them, thus halting any progress I can make :c 

It's fixed in the next build that is not yet published. Thanks for reporting it!


this game has great potential, and i really like the concept. At the moment there seems to be an issue with the exit door for the initial dungeon not working, and equiping a sword breaks monster interactions. still at v0.2 is great progress so fa, just hope the door issue gets addressed soon

Next version will have you spawn on the island instead with the ability to go into the dungeon.

Deleted 237 days ago

Thank you! :)


For now, this entire project looks like a hot mess. Downloaded it around 4 times, each download had different files. Fifth time it finally had all the files. Got in and the sound was soooo high. Even at 20% it was echoing in my ears and that was as low as it would go, drowning out everything else i had running, not to mention the loud click every time i tried to modify the PC. It actually made me not want to fiddle with it as much. 

 Open the journal and its...please show you're trying by at least changing out the text from the assets you bought for the survival bit?

Buildings didn't place, wood spawns inside tree stumps or lower and instantly fell through the world, the monster by the beach villa is bugged out 7 ways to Sunday(animation stutters, victory locks him in place, attempting inaccessible animations teleports you back to him, etc).  All penetration is listed as butt, and somehow still got pregnant(wut?).

Don't take this all as B&M'ing, i do hope you can use this to fix the issues/double check spawns/etc. I would like to see this become something.

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes I agree there are lots of bugs/issues. But that is kind of the point at this stage. The amount of testing and bug reporting I have received would have taken me months by myself and I still would have missed many things. While it's a big inconvenience for the player it's somewhat to be expected this early.

Also good point on the journal, I hadn't even considered that it was viewable as I haven't gotten to creating quests yet. Like you say a lot of stuff is still whatever came with the assets. I guess they can be considered placeholders but I should probably hide them/disable the journal functionality as it looks bad.

I will look in to the sound issue. Haven't experienced myself but also haven't really calibrated the audio levels yet, good feedback!

Also completely missed the part with journal calculations being incorrect.

Very much appreciate you took the time to both report bugs and to share your opinion even if it might be a negative one. Hope you give it another chance in the future!

Just by taking the criticism as constructive you've earned respect from me. As i said, I hope you look at it as something to add to your 'to do' list rather than just negatives. As someone who dabbles in writing, the worst thing a person can do is give generic feedback of "it doesnt work right" or "i dont like it." Specifics help with bug-fixing and issues. The biggest concern for me with the journal is that it makes it look like a 5 dollar flip someone threw together to get some quick cash before abandoning(I've got like, 2 of those in my steam library). In other words: really bad optics. And that can make or break a project. I dont think this is one, and I'd like to see you to avoid those sorts of accusations. Just straight up removing the text and leaving it blank or blacking it out/disabling it would look better.

Based on your feedback I have disabled the journal and some other unfinished parts as well. Im also going through some aspects, like attributes and abilities, to change the default texts and descriptions as I agree fully that the optics are really bad.

However I did not manage to see anything in the journal when I replicated it, it was all empty. Curious to what text appeared for you as no quests should be in the game yet and no journal entries should be added.

Again, your feedback is highly appreciated, thank you for taking the time to write down your thoughts! :)


Game has potential but most of the character models don't do their sex actions and just stand there. When I toggle on pregnancy, cum inflation, and defeated sex the game untoggles them.

Same here.

My character keeps getting assfucked, then when I check the settings the "defeat sex," "pregnancy," and "cum inflation" settings are unchecked again. I toggle them back on, and then I run up to a monster only to get "anal" again - only it's clearly not anal, but when I pull up the stats it registers as anal.

(1 edit)

I have the same problem. 

The game looks extremely promising, however that little error is a bit of bummer - hopefully there is a fix. There are a lot of bugs, at least one sex scene isnt working, so godspeed to the developer.

Great job though, dev!

(12 edits)

I like the demo so far. The build is very stable and I haven't crashed on my outdated graphics cards GEForce  GTX 1080 TI. You get a tutorial level and an open sand box. There are weather effects and day/night cycles as well. The soundtrack sounds kinda like the Witcher, very folkies and melotic. You start with your bare fists and craft/loot other weapons. Combat is a hack, slash and dodge affair like darksouls but way less punishing. There is no story (it's a demo) so I understand. Come for the lewds and be entertained.   

awesome to hear that is how you experienced it. Pretty much sums up my vision for what I want to accomplish. Obviously early days.

Thank you for taking the time to post!

I'm having some trouble unzipping the file. The issue is that when I'm unzipping it i get several errors about assets, and File String is to long. 

This has happened to me several times. I was wondering if anyone here knows of a program that could help me out rather than the one that comes with Windows?

Please any help would be nice.

NOTE: if anyone is wondering I'm running Windows 10. I also dont want to go through the multiple files to rename them then name them back as one post stated on another forum for a different game

not sure why this is happening. Possibly corrupt download? Many others have downloaded without any problems. When I did a test it worked as well.

Maybe try downloading again and unpack in a different place if the paths get to long?

You might want to try to use 7zip, I was having problems as well (although different from the ones you are mentioning), but using 7zip seemed to solve my issues at least.

Did something go wrong with the zipping of version 0.2? I am unable to unzip it. The unzip process crashes warning of potential Zip Bomb. Version 0.1 unzips fine and this is the first time an unzip process has failed like this for me.

sounds like the download got corrupted. Can't replicate this. Tyr downloading again if possible.

(2 edits)

It being corrupted during download is unlikely since the archive wouldn't open if it was corrupted and it only fails during the unarchive process. But just in-case I tried to re-download the file 3 times using 3 different methods (2 different browsers and a download manager), all the files are exactly the same (matching checksums). The error I get is still the same: "invalid zip file with overlapped components (possible zip bomb)".

Using a different program I was able to unzip it, but it also complained about the ZIP file, giving the following message: "Headers Error", but everything unzipped correctly and the game launched.

Really enjoying the potential this game has. One thing that did bug me was not being able to get a frontal view of the character, or did I miss a way of doing that? Either way, keep up the good work.

On that note it might have something to do with how big the ZIP file is now, from my experience RAR files are usually better when things get this big. Might want to give it a try at least :)

You could be right, might be that zip doesn't handle the file size well. Will see if i can do it differently in the future, thanks!

Also for turning the camera you can hold shift. In the next build there will also be a toggle for rotating the camera. It will mess with movement but might be nice to more easily be able to view the character.

Ahh great that works, thank you

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Why not add goblins, kobolds and dragons?

dragons and humanoid dragons are planned. no goblins or kobolds planned currently.

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Well, Kobold and Humanoid dragons are the same thing. Well, Kobold mean goblins and they do look like goblins that's how dnd make them look little short dragon people.

My bad, I guess it will partially be in the game then. However the humanoid dragons won't be small but rather large, once they are in the game.

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Downloaded ver 0.2 and the only thing I find is empty folders checked everything in them

(1 edit)

Getting a lot of Wrong Building Handles anytime I load in and animations don't like to play. And my setting do not save.

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why i cant approach the door behind me? nevermind was an intsall error now it works fine :) keep up the great work.

can you pls tell me can i get out of the first dungeon


Behind where you start there is a door. Approach it and you should get the option to exit though it. A bit unintuitive i must admit, sorry :/

I don't have an option to exit T^T

I don´t have the option, too.

Made my day :D can't wait to see more updates <3



Quite a nice simple demo you have, reminds me of the Conan game but with proper sex machanics. The scenes are nice and the bulges and pregnancy mechanics are good.

Only thing (but will probably change) that I would suggest is making weapons more durable and food not spoil as fast.


Good feedback, thanks! I'm considering removing durability as a mechanic. While it does add gameplay hours forcing to gather more materials it doesn't add that much fun to the game. Will tweak spoil rate as well!


I think you should keep weapon durability in, for simple stone very early weapons shouldn't last too long, but when you start getting to metal weapons and armor they should be quite resilient, give players incentive to make them and also rewarding them.

Good point! All durability is the same currently but will definitely go through and update according to your suggestions! :)

What version of Windows VC++ runtime does this want? I tried all I can get and still says it needs VC++ runtime...

Very sorry for this! Will upload a version with an included prerequisites installer included that should handle the dependencies. I can't really answer your questions as i don't know precisely what is needed.
There is a list on the following link with requirements but i think those are for the editor so all of them probably are not required.

Ah, UnrealEngine... That changes how I installed it then. Will give this a try.

Tried running it and it just froze my computer. Checked what Steam says for minimum requirements, I think maybe my graphics card is not good enough to run it. What's in this game that would require such advanced graphics?

I haven't tested it on anything older than what is specified. It could work provided it has modern enough support for the directX version (11 or 12).
The game does use a lot of high quality models that require lots of graphics memory and computation to render.
Unreal Engine can attempt to downsize a lot of things to meet older hardware but im not sure why it crashes.
What GPU model do you use?
You could try deleting the GameUserSettings.ini in wicked-island/WindowsNoEditor/Apofosis/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor
Starting the game will take longer after that but it will perform a hardware test and set settings according to your specs. Worth a try at least.

(1 edit)

I have a GTX 950. I do have DirectX 12, but it's still a rather old graphics card, given how quickly the technology accelerates.

It doesn't crash, it just freezes. It's probably technically still trying, but so slowly that it looks like it's doing nothing.

Also, I've just noticed that every image for the player character is of a woman -- is this female protagonist only?

Alright. I don't see any reason it strictly wouldn't work unless the GPU is overtaxed completely and the driver crash or something like that. It's the downside of having a menu with models being rendered but if the GPU struggles with the menu the rest of the game would probably work even worse. Will see what I can do but it could just be that the GPU can't handle the calculations required.

And yes its a female protagonist only game for now. I might add an expansion with the ability to play as a monster after release but no guarantees.

So no plans at all for a male human MC?

If it were to happen it would be after release. Not in the plan for now.


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