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excelente jogo poderia ser compativo com controle exbox

super fun cant wait to see more


Is a male main character and female monsters also in the planning?


Not planned currently no as that would be almost an entirely new game in terms of design. It is a commonly requested feature though so its something im thinking a lot about.

lots of potential here , the warewolves keep giving me troll babies tho

Hopefully i will have fixed that (again, last fix didnt work out apparently) in the next version.


I have a lot of fun with this game. Im waiting for the next update. Sometimes I can't pick up flowers (maybe its my fault). Where can I mine iron ore? I tried several places on the map and still nothing. And how the summoning works for the pacified monsters?

I believe the yellow flowers are bugged, you can't really do anything with the flowers yet , iron you can find it on the cave going north from the town

thanks, but exactly where? I tried that direction already.


Iron is found inside the cave, there is only one cave on the demo island. Will probably add some more iron to the map in the next update as its a bit limited. The full release version will have a map 6-8 times the size of the demo map.


Super excited to see what comes from this and already having a lot of fun with what is here.

I like the defeat system a lot and I think it works well with the open world crafting gameplay, but I'm super interested to see what else you do with npcs in the future. Since some npcs will fight each other it would be crazy if they could trigger defeat scenes or get pregnant too, like female wildlings leaving their camps and potentially being ambushed by groups of monsters or something like that.


Thats an excellent suggestion i hadn't though about! Will add that to my list of things to look in to :)

ok got it to work, took 15 minutes for the game to fully load up, did what you said and checked task master haha, was eating the heck out of RAM and CPU.  I died within about 20 minutes fumbling around.

I'll have to set some time aside to try and figure this game out, even with control interface mapping, alot of keys arent labeled and the map is pretty useless as is the inventory.  quite confusing

I'll give it a go after I finish reviewing the other 60 some odd games I've been requested to try

Hopefully loading will be a bit better in next update. It's very reliant on disk speed as it loads data from disk into memory on startup.

Yeah there are a lot of keys and i haven't put much time into making the game easy to understand yet.

Will hopefully be better once i make a tutorial and add some hints on how to do different things.

Thanks for taking the time to try it out! :)

Oh believe me, I enjoy giving my two cents.  I'm just an un-official game reviewer. one of my friends told me about these kind of games and having been reviewing other games and giving good honest feedback on normal games, he told me to review these types. he said my reviews give a good picture of what to expect and a couple of DEVs actually considered my feedback which was very surprising.  in truth I rather enjoy it, Ive tried some very janky to really good games.

gotta say, even in its early stages, your title is quite promising and I'm very excited to see its positive outcome.  If you like I can drop my email and we can talk ideas like allowing controller involvement for those that dont like keyboards haha.

As for the harddrive speeds, the odd ball thing is I have an NVM m.2 so the read/write speeds are exceptionally high, and with 32 gbs of 3200mhz of RAM and a 4.2ghz CPU 8 cores, I figured it would go much quicker.  maybe the game engine though if Im not mistaken, its using a unity engine? not sure didnt catch it.  if it is unity, their pretty quick booting so it may just be a coding situation

Appreciate any feedback you have. Very hard to see the faults yourself when you are so deep in creating it :)

Controller support might be something i consider after release but it is actually surprisingly challenging to implement properly, especially without compromising on the movement for mouse+kb players (typical floaty movement in console ports etc).

That's strange regarding the hard drive speed. But i have done a lot in the next version to reduce start-up times. Was a case of referencing unnecessary amounts of stuff loading more things than what should be loaded. Still lots of room for improvement but did eliminate some obvious stupidity in the code :D

Its Unreal Engine btw :)

sorry, meant unreal haha i had the name on the tip of my tongue but couldnt think of it.  

also I can understand your meaning, as a creator verses player, many ideas can come hand in hand. this of course you would know being a DEV.  Im truly excited to see whats in store with the game.  I saw its basically set in mythical times, werewolves, drakes, and so on.  Im hoping to see lamia/nagas or even a centaur.  now the protagonist. will it only be female or will there be a male version as well?

as for other ideas, I got plenty but I dont wish to be rude and step on a wonderful devs toes, youve been absolutely amazing chatting with me

Sadly no male protagonist planned for now as it would require reworking a lot of how the game works fundamentally. There has been a lot of requests for it so there does seem to be a big interest in it.

I might make sort of a mini game where you control a monster of your choice, but that would be after release, if it is ever done.

I always welcome ideas. No guarantees they will be implemented but fresh perspectives help me evaluate my current design and give inspiration for future designs :)

Deleted 1 year ago

As a big fan of skyrim modding i would agree many features can be achieved by modding skyrim (since much is inspired from skyrim).

Some of the major points

1. You don't have to mod skyrim, which is a pain after reaching enough mods.

2. There will be building mechanics. Sure there are build mods in skyrim but they all put down pre-made things, not like conan/valheim/ark etc.

3.  It's not skyrim. While a great game i don't think 1 good game should prevent others being attempted to be made in the same genre.

I will take a solo dev project in alpha with less then 1 year dev time being compared to skyrim (100+ dev team) with mods (hundreds, if not thousands of modders) as a big compliment :D


bro all the work that you have dedicated  to this game is actually amazing! I have played probably like 10 hours hahaha, and you are letting us try it for free ,  really loving the potencial of the game and I am actually having a lot of fun playing it , thanks so much for all your efforts!


Wow, thank you! 

Awesome to hear, especially since there is hardly a "game" yet, more of a collection of mechanics and systems.

Hopefully it will be even better with more content later down the line :)

Hi! I love the game, I'll buy it when it comes available on steam, I forget where to send respond so I'll write it here, and soon, when I manage to get back on my computer I'll write the same to the right place!

First thing first:


The Werebears which spawn next to the cliff don't drop any loot and just look into the dirt when they dies.

Which I noticed:

The blue flowers on the ground somtimes change their color from blue to yellow.

I tried to make the Potion which gives you extra defeat points, but I couldn't find any yellow flower. (Why I can't find it? Are the yellow flowers are added in the game as obtainable item or just the texture got?(I saw the texture when I wanted to make a potion, but I couldn't find any.))

Questions about the future updates and the game:

I saw 3 other kind of flower: 1 white and 2 purple, but one was looks like the other flowers, the other one was long and had only 1 big petal on it's top.

Are they going to be other obtainable flowers to make potions or just design?

When will the game be available on steam?(If don't know then just say a "you think" possible date)

That's all! Thanks for making this game, thanks for working on this game! I love this game! I really hope those updates and fixes will be out soon, if you keep working hard like always, then guys you can make this game even better, btw it's already really good and thanks for everything! Just keep it up, you guys doing great! ;)


I really want to play the full game already lol! <3

The yellow flowers are actually bugged and dont drop the correct flower color.

Thanks for the asnwer!

Like Walter mentioned the flowers are bugged and will be fixed in next update.

For the other flowers they are purely decorative for now. Might add more for crafting later, not sure yet :)

For release on Steam I honestly don't know. Whenever i feel i have enough content and systems ready and few enough bugs for an Early Access release it will be added.

Might be this year, might be next. Since i work alone on this i don't have a fixed timeline for anything and jump between things randomly so very hard to say.

And thank you for the kind words! :)

Thanks for the answer, sure I'll wait until you finnish it, really good job!! Great work! what's the next update you'll add to the game? I want to try it out already! Keep it up!<3

first try to attempt this game, black screen and task master says _wicked island not responding_

deleted game and redownlown and attempt a second time see if something got lost in download and unzip.  will check in after

It takes a rather long time to start. Sometimes Windows think it's not responding. Best way to check is to see if memory usage goes up and disk reads are happening (in task manager).

Next version will be somewhat quicker to start (hopefully).

thanks for the feedback, appreciate it greatly. but the black screen was going on for about 10 mins apiece. having tried the new download yet, it just finished last night while I was asleep. once I'm finished reviewing the current game Im playing I'll give it another shot

Hello. You've got a very funny game. The idea is great. I will write some comments and suggestions (if some of this has already been implemented, then I have not fully figured it out)

1. Pay attention to the animation of sex with some monsters. It's a bit broken. The penis passes through the skin.

2. After the birth animation, the character stands rooted to the spot. You need to open the inventory so that the bug disappears.

3. What is the current effect in the game from pressing the num 8 (cum) button? Perhaps it is worth realizing bloating with repeated pressing (the effect of flooding) and when a certain volume is reached, so that it flows out (not only from the vagina ;))

4. Is it possible to implement settings for the size of the abdomen during pregnancy (size)?

5. In the cheat menu, implement the possibility of fixing the time of day and weather so that it does not change.

Good suggestions and bug reporting, thank you for taking the time! Will make a note of all of them :)

nice game,but control system really stupid


Feel free to suggest a better way to do it. Always open to feedback :)

All keys are remappable as well.

I see a dragon sleeping on the edge of the map around the troll camp but I can't figure out how to get to it (tried skyrim jumping and building campfires to jump on). Is it just there as a tease? Or can I actually interact with it?

Other than that the game is fantastic, never seen an adult rpg takes this far! Keep up the good work!

It's just a tease really. Good work discovering it :D

Deleted 2 years ago

Sie müssen die Niederlage in den Einstellungen aktivieren und genügend Niederlagenpunkte haben (Faustsymbol) Mein Deutsch ist nicht auf dem neuesten Stand, Google hat mir geholfen.


if only i could play as a male character and fuck female monsters, man aint no games do it, thought i might get lucky guess not

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Same. I was hoping there was this option. Maybe in the future, I'll be keeping an eye on this. I saw the werewolf and got excited. A male player character would be dope.

when i go to open the exe game file it says it will take a little over 3 hours to open,can you tell me how to open it faster please 

3h to open? No idea how that happens.
How does the dialogue look like? There can be long load times at startup (working on reducing those) but worst i heard is 10minutes, for me usually 5-10 seconds (it's dependant on disk speed when it loads data into memory).

i think it is because i tried to play it without extracting it first by using rar i'll extract it and see if it works then, thank you for responding btw

Every time I hit new game, it shut off. is it because Im using Windows 11 or something? i was able to make the woman but that was it. Other than that, this game is up my ally. Cant wait to see more from this.

Sounds like a crash of some kind. Either GPU overheating, drivers crashing or something else like that.

What hardware are you running on? Have you tried tweaking the graphic settings?

i can try touching up the graphic. i notice the hair movements would move inside of the woman hair.  nothing wasnt over heated since i started playing no more than 10 mins. maybe i have too man games on my computer or something. im gonna check and make sure


Just curious to ask, as I've just found this game, is there plans to add female monster and male players?


Possibly females monsters, no male players planned :)


If you added female monsters, maybe you could give the player a penis so they could have fun with those female monsters eventually...👀 Since a full male player is not in your plans.

Great game truly, i look forward to more updates

Thank you! <3

I look forward to the game when it's been developed more.

My time playing the game was spent trying to figure out how to gather resources, specifically wood. There's only certain areas in the game that you can actually gather wood. 

Also no matter what my character fucked, the baby always comes out as a troll.

I'd still rate this 5/5 because it's still enjoyable.


Thank you!

Haven't had time to create a tutorial yet so many core gameplay features might be confusing and hard to figure out. Will try to make it easier in the future.

Awesome! Take your time since i understand making games is pretty challenging even if i don't have any personal experience with it.

when extracting with winrar and 7zip messages show corrupted files and will not load.

I am thinking is because of my window 11 maybe

Here is a mirror zipped on a windows 10 machine. Might work better.

Idk how much pay you or a team whi this game is huge for be maked by only one person but they pay you to less you need  lot of money! This game is amazing! how did you make it?

I work on this in my spare time outside of work.

I rely very heavily on assets from marketplaces to be able to focus on putting the game together instead of creating everything from scratch. Probably spent around $3000-4000 so far on assets (cheap compared to most games budgets unless you count my work hours :D)

i knell myself to you, you're cleary a superior being and when i will get my pc the first thing i'll do is download your game

After I got my 1st increase to take on stronger monsters all the usable items in the abandoned town disappeared. The Bed, Crafting Table, Furnace, Campfire, Chest, Both boxes. And all the Waypoints that I had found so far. If I was able to make a Crafting Table Through Inventory, and a Furnace on the Crafting Table it wouldn't be much of a problem. There is the Tent but it wouldn't let me place it anywhere. And I can't see anything at night


That's a strange bug I haven't heard of before. Thanks for reporting it, will try to replicate it.

Oh, I forgot to separate it. I can't see at night in general, so I just go to sleep and no night. I didn't see a setting for changing the Brightness. The rest of that happened all at the same time. If it helps I was in the dungeon with the demons when I leveled up

I loaded my save into the Update. Its going better now that I can craft the Table and Furnace, but being able to pick some things back up would be nice. I understand not being able to pick up the Furnace, but the Tent and Bed would be nice to move if I miss placed it. Maybe the Table. TY for the Update :D

Why does it crush so much? It someties loads to the main menu wich when i try to start the game it crushes immediately, but it also crushes before it loads to the main menu a lot

I think it's due to a GPU issue. I have had no reports of crashes from anyone else. A guess would be the GPU overheating or the GPU driver crashing as it's a rather heavy game on the GPU. I continually try to optimize it to reduce GPU drain but can't guarantee it won't happen in the future as well.

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about the trees some trees you cant cut . just try a nother tree 

I think all trees should be cuttable (except really small ones). However you don't always get wood for each cut. You do always get it when it falls down but that can take time. Unless there is a bug somewhere. I will try to replicate it :)

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THERE A BUG in your arbit with our sheld at 3 you can't tuen


do you plan to add a second animation to sex scenes for enemy 'finishing' - like in breeders of the nephelym (free on steam)?  The 'fluids' flow out everywhere and hang around on player after sex scenes - which i think would be cool in this game. especially if the amount of fluid on the player accumulates! maybe different colour fluids for different monsters as well would be cool. gives a sense of world interaction.


I want to add finishing animations but it will be later in development.

Also working on better fluids as well as making them stick to things. It's in the backlog but not at the top of the list :D

I wonder if there is a mega download version. I purchased it, but it takes 4 hours to download...


Late reply but here is a dropbox link:


i think it would also be good if you could add male avatar and female characters.


how to open bc I got this bug

Download Ms Visual C++  it is needed for many games, here it is what u need 1st

check if you have DirectX updated

Problem is the character customisation

head , face, hair colour are appearing

But body change are appearing as it is going default .


Make a Male avatar and female monsters 



do you have any idea how many resources it takes to "just" flip the gender on a character model


I've four suggestions and am reporting one bug: 

1.) How about letting defeat sex be a way to gain exp points? A whole minigame on pleasing the monster could be crafted around that...  

2.) What if masturbating in front of even higher-level opponents allowed the character a good probability of surrendering to defeat sex immediately, rather than being injured first (a function of outfit and damage dealt, of course)?

3.) Why not be able to befriend the wolves and deer on the island, who would then bring the character food and materials on occasion, or even come to the character's aid if she's being injured?

 4.) It would be hot to have a solve for this game in which a ludicrously yielding character could succeed without ever attacking anything herself

Bug: if the character is accidentally masturbating when attacked by wild animals, she loses health but doesn't die


Excellent suggestions, thank you! Might see if I can make something with the masturbation in front of enemies leads to scene instantly, very cool idea!

Love feedback like this, keep it coming :)

Is this right at start or after a while? Did something trigger it?

at the start

Hi!Can someone please tell me how to collect a tree?I have an axe, but when I start hitting wood with it, it gets exhausted, and without wood, you can't create a repair kit and everything else.

yep same here it really annoying 

How do you mean? You don't get wood when cutting the tree? There should be wood dropping.

yes none of the trees aren't give us wood form cutting/ no wood is dropping. I just found out I have to go far southeast past the the cave to find and get wood form cutting.


Strange, all trees should give wood. Will look in to it. Thanks for reporting :)

I was having trouble at 1st. Sometimes the center point disappears and aiming is difficult. Damage should appear when you actually hit the tree. After a few successful swings the tree will break down to a stump then break down again after some more. Check your inventory before and after

If you don't mind me asking, what are the minimal and recommended specs?


Like all minimum reqs they are a bit arbitrary and as a solo dev I can't test the game at a wide range of machines. I know some people with built in intel GPU's had trouble running it. The ones I have listed on steam are pasted below. But it think the game can run on much less.



    • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    • OS: Windows 7
    • Processor: 2 core cpu
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Nvidia 1050/AMD 560
    • Storage: 15 GB available space

    • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Processor: 4 core cpu
    • Memory: 16 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Nvidia 1080/AMD V64
    • Storage: 15 GB available space

few things, I've crafted the tent and campfire, but unable to place. is there a specific spot for this? 

 I've noticed even with a torch or even that ball of light(that neck piece that's spawned in a chest in one of the buildings of the abandoned village with just about every item in the game) if you go into the cave where it's dark the torch and that ball is rendered useless, it stays dark and you're unable to see anything.

that item loot bag that drops from killing things, if it's on a slope it rolls downhill and if there's a tree, rock(mining spot), or even a river. the loot bag will roll right into it and disappear. I've had this happen a few times within the 30 minutes i had to game running to check this out and also during the quest to "collect 5 werewolf cocks". And when i say it disappears. it does just that. I've cut the tree down and saw no bag, even broke the rocks(depleted mining spots) no addition item loot bags and not even the one i was looking for was present.

defeating a werebear, no loot bag, ragdoll of the corpse spins in your direction if you move around.

graphics are nice though, and the controls are easy to learn. however, that cursor that's located at the bottom of the character is a bit annoying since you have to aim that at the top of any loot bag or even at a chest/box. the chest/box i can understand to a degree. however, for the loot bag. you should try to set a radius to press the interact button. or even center the cursor more towards the waistline and not below the feet. as for the chests/boxes it should be as long as you're next to and facing the chest/box to interact with and not use of that cursor.

"loot all" if you don't have enough inventory space everything disappears and you lose everything that doesn't fit from the loot bags, chests, and even boxes.

suggestion: you have an auto stack for campfires furnace, and the inventory. -To simplify some things the items on the hotbar should auto stack for items  like the raw meat (yea i was eating raw meat lol). meaning, every new raw meat you pick up should auto stack to the hotbar and not take up a new slot in the inventory. Also, could the days be slower so there's more daylight/night time and not have it where 3 days pass in just 10 minutes of play?

There is some clipping/framework that does need to be worked with. There's a few areas where the grass is. Your character either floats above or is unable to walk thru like it is with all the rest of the map.

oh yea, that cave entrance. you have to "jump" into the entrance to enter the cave. otherwise if you just walk/run into the entrance you meet an invisible wall. Seeing as you're able to jump into(most likely hit boxes) could probably lower the entrance to the cave more into the ground for a quick fix for this.

I've tried attacking some of the invisible walls and they bleed

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