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it says press none to cum how do i fix it cause i cant get anywhere in the game and i dont see anything in controls that isnt bind or named the same

press 8 on your numpad, it works

Deleted 112 days ago

Love the game and the concept! Can't wait to see it grow, also hope u add cum decals and maybe orgasm animations


This game is good😊, but I have found some problems in ver0.8.5.2 so far.

1. At some point in the fisherman's quest, I can't talk to the fisherman, which makes the fisherman's quest unable to proceed smoothly.

2. I have searched almost all over the map, but I have never found branches and stones. Currently, I can only get branches and stones through boxes or monster drops.

Branches are a bit hard to see, but they're everywhere on the ground in the forested area just north of the ruined village where you start.  Look for bundles of sticks.

Stone can be found ALL over the beach where you respawn - little rocks are strewn on the sand.  (Oddly enough, the rocks found in other areas don't seem to be lootable - just these, that I've seen.)


the terrain /structures strobe fairly intensely. I tried adjusting some video settings to see if it stabilized but that did not work. 

The game is very fun, can I add Chinese to the game?

Hi, I find the character. runs way too fast can anyone explain to me how to make it go slower


love the game so far. unfortunately it's quite laggy even on low settings and crashes from time to time.  keep up the good work tho! ^^

Trying to get the game to run on my VM (parallels) but no luck yet. Audio and UI work, but none of the textures are loading. Any tips on how I can get it to run? 

Can't launch a new game...

my game keeps crashing after i changed from auto to off

its saying that my resolution or other applications are causing it to crash


Can the game be updated in Chinese? I don't know English

I'm playing the demo and enjoying it, but I have no idea what to do with the children after they're born, they just sit in my inventory.

never mind, I figured it out. but I can't change my game settings, delete my saves, or start a new game for some reason.

I haven't, can you tell me what to do? You probably tried this, but just in case, you need to select the save you want to delete and then press the delete button. That works for me at least.

I did try that, but you need a specific item to make the child into a living creature. I do not remember the item.

(1 edit)

Never mind. I forgot that I asked that question. I have figured out, that you can use the "Science-Station" or what ever its called to make a grown up beast. You need to put it into your inventory and after that into your quickbar, to use it (has the same animation as eating bizarrely...). Then it spawns the beast. If you put it into your quickbar direktly from the "Science-Station" you just eat it and it does not spawn.

Edit: I do think that its kinda useless though, since its pretty bugged and runs around weirdly sometimes and might also just die if you fight some other beast since you might hit it as well...

Hmm, I am playing the demo version, but I cannot enter the dungeon anymore.

Last build it was still possible. 

Will there be helmets added under armor category? Would be really awesome. Some armor pieces clip through body mesh like royal leggings and so on.

Followers at some point just vanish from the world. And every time I load the game I have one more Isabell on the map, which is just funny.

But really cool game, still. Great potential. One day I shall support on subscribestar too. Really fine game, yet to be polished. Can't wait for the next update. Keep up the good work, RawDarkness :)

How do i change the name of the character once the game has started, because for some reason im refered to as desktop/xxxxx whatever the bloody number was.


does anyone know what to do?? whenever I enter the game, it immediately lags super bad then crashes.


It's very laggy for me and I don't know how to fix that, especially don't know what to do about the crashes.

It does crashes rarely for me its also not that laggy. What system do you have? Mine is this: Ryzen 5 7600, Intel Arc A750 and 32GB Ram(DDR 5) and it runs on Epic settings. Maybe try to go into setting and use lowest and then work your way up (yes I know, that obvious, but just in case...).


unfortunately it's real, the bug really exists, when the baby is born, access to the central menu is blocked, it stops working, I can't think of what it is, when she gives birth to the baby, I liked the new feature where the baby stays there on the floor when you get out of it, but unfortunately the pick-up function isn't working either.

 I liked the new skill system, I thought it was interesting, keep it up, I thought it was fantastic.

another bug, I think it's small this time, the walking and running animation, the left leg keeps blinking and bending in an abnormal way, going inside the right leg, I was only able to complete the tower mage's mission because I used the cheat mode and I created the baby item in the inventory hahah... so please focus on that to resolve it, because this problem with the baby blocking the main menu ruins the progression, they were the only bugs I noticed so far, I liked not having the button interface in mating, but I still think that watching a looped animation is boring, I think you should at least make the creature cum after a while automatically, increase the thrust speed before that and then cum, as pressing the button for that is a bit boring.

However, the game continues with the same quality as always, great power, keep it up, you have excellent ideas.

the optimization is better, it runs smoother now, thank you very much.


Guys, I noticed something, please guys, when a new version of the game comes out, don't try to use the save from the old version in the new one, generally this will lead to several catastrophic errors in the game, it's an Alpha, so be patient, start again with each version To see if it works, we are here to test the game, not play it progressively, consider ourselves game testers, so I advise you to always start a new game with each version and test everything again to help you find bugs.


Played for 10+ hours, pretty fun game, potential's massive, love the monsters, mechanism and seduction option.

One big downside for me is that anytime I save it seems my house/buildings disappear and all furniture stuff, hope it gets fixed in future but I understand as 1 guy it's a monumental task making a whole game.

Looking forward to the next update =)


Can you fix it? For some reason, I can't pick up the baby after birth.

Is there anyway to buy the full version without doing the whole subscription thing? I would rather pay for the game before doing other options.


Some observations on current bugs.

After load I have had the same bug being overburdened as others have mentioned. Getting killed and "loot all"-ing my corpse returns my missing items, with duplicates and with a full stack of something like cloth, causing the overburdened condition.

After load I also note that my grit level returns to 1. The grit level returns to where it should be after some gameplay. I cannot directly identify what causes the grit to reset.

After load, Isabell spawns an extra Isabell. I have had her quest be dropped from my active quest log and I have also had it not drop.

After load I have seen my workbench's contents change. I can do a loot all and recover my missing items along with duplicates and items that had been in my players inventory. The same can be said about my furnace. After looting from both the bench and the furnace, I have had both despawn when not in my FOV.

After bearing a child, the esc menu is no longer active. In addition, the infant cannot be picked up, making it impossible to turn in "A Beastly Legacy"

Using the cheat menu I have accelerated exp gains to the point where the character had 9+ grit, wherein I reset exp gains. I have found that the result of many defeat sex incidents conclude with the player's death, despite having full grit points.

Bronze pants appear to be blue in color rather than leather brown or bronze.

The legs of the character, especially the right one, appears to bend inward in an awkward manner.

The sloped enwall pieces (Wall end 25 and 45) appear to be scaled at 50%. The also anchor to the middle of the wall segment and not the top of the wall segment.

At some point, it would be nice to have a roof peak end wall and roof peak roof segments. This would offer a nice symmetrical roof outline for buildings build with an odd number of walls. Currently a flat roof or a lean-to style slopped roof are the only available options.

One of the prompts that shows up upon gaining a level is the one that advises you to spend your level up points. I believe this is a leftover from the past level up system and the message no longer is required.

It would be nice if there was an explicate toggle to turn on/off the tutorial messages. They currently replay whenever a load is done and can become quite tiresome.

After loading I have had the light fairy head item be active on my character although I don't recall seeing it in the head item slot. I have also not seen that after a load.

Followers, be it a werewolf that has become a "friend" after being repeatedly "defeateded" or the wolf pup pet on the north side of the village, do not obey when told to stay. Once a follower is acquired it will follow your character until death.

The lake below the waterfall in the mountains does not trigger the swim animation.

Chests also appear to suffer the save/load duplication bug. I purposefully avoided looting the starter boxes/chest on the spawn beach until now. I found within them 5 duplicated sets of items in every chest. I do not know how many save/loads I have done with this current game, but 5 seems to be the right number. I do not think this occurs with player crafted chests.

Sexual acts, be it from a defeat or from a beast "pet" have alignment issues. The creature can move and rotate around the player, leaving the creatures penis thrusting in air and the player with a magically distended opening.

It is possible to speak to friendly males in the act of sex. The dialog tree appears to be fully open. This almost always makes the male move and become misaligned.

Attempting to exit the game while in the middle of gameplay often doesn't work. It is required to return to the title screen and select exit there to end the game.

Lactation visuals do not appear to be working as they did in the past. Even with the lactation visual option turned on, there is no visual indication of anything, even when matched with a text message explicitly stating that they should appear. *note* I have not removed the top clothing while receiving the text messages, so it could be game design to block the visuals while fully clothed.

I have experienced a black screen upon loading. I am in the world since I can hear wolves attacking the player, however, the screen is completely black with only the HUD showing. 

yeah, i found most of these bugs too... almost all have a work around except the birthing bug. cant pick up baby and pause menu gone are the ones that dont have a workaround... also if you try to walk away from the spot that you gave birth at, the game prompts you "not to go too far from your body," as if your in free camera mode.

I'm curious, what is the work around for the followers not stopping bug that you found? It's almost game breaking, and very annoying, so it'd be great to fix.

(1 edit)

so i havnt played in 2 months because the birth bug is the truly game breaking game for me. i stopped because of it... im trying to figure out how i got the workaround for the followers, but my game is now crashing everytime i open it. Even had to re-claim it in my steam library for some reason. when i figure it all out, ill re reply

After the birth of the child, for some reason I can't press pause. Can you fix it?

There are some nice feedbacks and bugreports out there. There are also some "not so nice". 

I hope you won't let yourself get demotivated by just a handfull of people, that distribute more negativity than anything else. The game looks amazing so far and of course it is a little rough around the edges.  In terms of graphic I am pretty amazed on how good the playercharacter can look.

I am sure that with the right time given you'll be able to finalize your vision of this game!

(Also: Please make it purchasable outside of Steam too, since my countrys government is busy glueing themselfes onto the road. :3)

Tried the new 0.8.5 version, previous saves apparently not accessible. Regardless if I use the default avatar or try to custom tune my own appearance, on initial log-in, the hair for the character is positioned down at the neck, making her look like she is bald with a strange beard.

I've had several bugs. 

1. I got the same save and reload bug that the guy below me mentioned.

2. I can't get past the first quest now when in the previous build I was able to get 2 quests in before it stopped functioning.

3. Near the abandoned village when the wolves take down a kill there is a permanent blood fountain.

Hope mentioning these helped and I look forward to further updates. Keep up the good work and don't listen to the negative people. You're doing the best you can with what you've got.

After saving and reloading, the total weight is more than 200 while still being empty.

Its because its a glitch that duplicated items in your inventory. if your character dies, all the "hidden" items will show up in your "loot body"

The in-game time is blocked at 12.00

there is no resources renewal (wood, stones, etc)


Not sure why, but this game seems to be a bait of sort, since the "Sex" that is in the game are almost nonexistent, or atleast no actual sex going on.
Sure that some of the monsters and beast can sex the player, but they never cum, so all you can do is end the sex scene and get nothing interesting out of it (cum-inflation as the game imply it has in the game), so in other words there is no cum ending, but just a repeated loop with no ending.

There is also a bad lack of logic in how you seduce a sexable target, seeing that the only thing i can do to trigger it, is if i have sex on defeat enabled.
Even if you had a tamed beast to sex with, you still end up playing a loop sequence with no actual cum ending.

I played this about 4-5 months ago, and its still this crappy


try using the 'self pleasure' key when near something that wouldn't normally just kill you. You'll attract the attention you seek...

Also, there's one dude(?) and it's a Technical Pre-Alpha Alpha... chill with the negativity. It's good thus far given the circumstances.


I know this sounds negative, but the fact the "Sex" in the game is just a loop sequence with no way to trigger them to cum-inflate or cum at all, is a bit worrying for a game that is about breeding. Plus the things i said was just the few i felt was wrong with the game, the other parts of the game is that it feels clunky then what its supposed to be
I understand its one person making the game, but it still feels like the game is not what it supposed to be.

Iirc 8 key triggers an ejaculation animation, and there's an inflation slider you might find needs tweaked in the settings.

That one is just effects that you can trigger on your character at any time. Even when not doing sex. (So it's not a cum butten).

The slider in the settings was set to 100%, and yet nothing happens during sex. And the the only time it does is when you end the sex, but that's more like a aftermath then an animation like some would had hoped it do instead.

I'm sure the Dev will consider your observations sincerely. This one seems to be a rare breed in that he reads and considers ALL feed back gratefully.


No matter what I tried I could not get the sex or cum inflation to trigger, i followed the in game tutorial and online guides but it still doesn't trigger, can only get defeat sex which does noting.



1. Cutting down the roots before the sound effect of the tree falling ends will lose the wood.

2. There are air walls and errors everywhere in castles and other places

3. Steel and iron products are messed up, such as spears.

4. Has the teleportation stone been abandoned?

5. The big demon and dragon man cannot be seduced?

6. The animation has a bug. If you attack with a weapon, it will switch to a standing posture, and the partner speed is messed up

7. Because of the sixth point, it seems that there is a problem with inflation.

8. It seems that there is a lack of obvious introduction to armor damage reduction in the introduction. I don’t know which one will be the best.

9. There is no specific introduction to collecting seeds.

10. The marks on the map are too unclear.

11. I can stand in a highly safe place and let all the monsters besiege me, and then my experience value increases wildly.

12. The map of the underground palace still has bugs...

It looks like a good game with a lot of potential but the thing is that even with the graphics low and the dlss at maximum, I'm at max 20 fps out there. I only have an rtx 3050 but it's still a bit too heavy.

(1 edit) (+1)

Will I be able to buy the full version on itch?, because on steam the game page is blocked in my country and subscribestar doesn´t accept paypal.


Same here, I would love the full version, but I just cant get it anywhere.

(1 edit) (+2)

the intention is noble, the idea of the game is excellent, but it simply doesn't work, I spent hours trying to mate with some creature whose heart is in front of the video bar, I pressed (y) several times and got nothing, I died several times Sometimes, I had a corrupt save and even after starting again, it didn't work, I wouldn't even be able to complete the first quest, as sexual acts in this game simply don't happen, and clearly the first mission is introductory, but it doesn't work, I believe the scope of your project is too big for you to achieve alone.

you could simplify the system for having sex a little, it should be easier to reproduce, it should be the focus of the A.I. of the creature.

Making the player masturbate in the wind is no fun.

edit: I added your game to the Steam wishlist, I'll be waiting for your project to evolve further, or at least for the basics to work as they should. I'm rooting for you, don't give up, the idea is really promising. Hugs

Good feedback, thank you! 

What specifically didn't work, did the scenes not start at all?

I should probably tweak the masturbate to lure enemies option to be more clear who will be affected. The defeat should work, as long as its enabled in options and enough grit points are available.

There is also initating sex through dialogue (for servants), and an item you can get to initiate sex with any creature by pointing at them.

But im always open to more suggestions :)

They didn't even start, even though I had enough hearts for the creature, I discovered the cheat window, so I managed to force the relay to start with the staff, then I uninstalled the game and downloaded it again, and for some reason, it worked now, no I know what could have happened but it's resolved now.

I'm having performance problems even on an RTX 3050 with 32Gb of RAM, I don't know why, it doesn't make sense to me, but I managed to stabilize it by configuring the graphics, I'm not charging you for this, as this part is for the end of the development.

I'm just having problems with quests that get stuck and don't go forward, but you're already aware of that, so I won't dwell on the subject, I'm waiting for updates on this.

I would like to thank you, even with the simple demonstration, I loved your game, you pay attention to details and have a lot of care, that is remarkable, I don't want to spend hours praising you, but I was educated in a way to recognize when someone does something positive and good, your game is good, very good.

I just remembered: there is also a problem where when I click continue game in the main menu all my buildings disappear, the bed, house, everything disappears, but I think you are aware of that too, thank you for everything, I'm waiting for your game to be ready. but again I repeat my advice, take it easy on the scope of the project, alone it is difficult, the difficulties of development can discourage you and make you give up on the project, just try to fix what you already have for now, and leave everything stable, so that you If you want, you can stop, stop, but I left something stable to play with. Thank you very much again, I will be following your project closely, I really liked it, congratulations.

Hopefully some of these issues will be adressed in the next update. Lots of optimizations has been done, the save system remade from scratch and hopefully most systems will be more robust in general due to this.

I very much appreciate both the feedback and the praise, thank you so much! :)


It worked normally

When Wicked Island will become in full version?


If you mean when it will release, there is no ETA. There is a full version available to subscribers on subscribestar.


why does the download automatically fail halfway hurough,but i paid 2 usd for game

The download is not something i control, that is on im afraid. You could try using the launcher, i think it can resume downloads.

Is there any other way? I am Taiwanese.

Can I subscribe directly on itch io to get the full version?

No, only on subscribestar:

If you dm me i can make a manual exception with a once of payment on itch though.

Yeah same here i cant do subscribestar is there anyway to dm you i dont see how

Like i just sent 10 bucks on to you do i need to show proof

(1 edit)

Sorry, didnt see your comment, hence the delayed reply.

Easiest is to DM me on discord with proof of purchase (a screenshot of the payment).
Or email me if you dont use discord (

What should I do if my credit card cannot be charged successfully? At SubscribeStar

I really want to play the full version. Is there any other way? Can pay pal transfer money?

Easiest is to DM me on discord, or email me at if you dont use discord.

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